I am curious if anyone has tried the GAPS diet after their takedown surgery.
A brief history, since reading people's story always comforts my soul:
flashback to the ripe age of freshly 28-
It was around the end of the year holidays, year 2010, when I first had any abdominal pain. Mostly, I was eating a ton and feeling sO hungry! I figured it was because I was nursing my son, born January, and he was just eating more. Normal stuff. Right?
Then in February 2011, shortly after V-day, I began violently crapping blood for a week before I was colonoscopied and deemed UC. It was bad. I had a homebirth, no prob! Thought I was tough. The pain I was in with UC was out of this world! I was just on Asacol plus 1 steroid IV treatment in May and never stopped pooping blood, plus I was determined to keep nursing- no way was disease going to ruin my goals. Gah! Silly, I know. At the time, I was so malnourished from all the pooping along with throwing myself on the SCD, convinced I could cure me with food.
Well, I lost my battle. I spent all of June 2011 in the hospital. They sent me home with plans of returning soon to give me the illeostomy. 4 days later my phentanol patch was done and I practically ran back to the hospital. Well, they admitted me but since it was the 4th of July weekend, they STILL didn't pay any attention to me. I was just a pierced dread locked girl to them, as far as I see it. No one heard my fear, only reacted to my requests to stop the pain.
July 5th my colon perferated. My sergeon, who has been performing GI surgeries sense Viet Nam, said I was among the worst he has ever seen- my colon was deteriated "like wet tissue paper," he had to scoop the entire colon out. He closed me up with a illeostomy, no drains.
Needless to say, I got a massive infection about a week after. They cut me open again to drain a gallon of puss. During that surgery a different sergeon nicked my bladder, causing me to leak pee into my stomach . (No one fixed that one until Christmas weekend! I had to keep a catheter and JP drain in "to see if it would heal on its own" and keep my stomach pee free. ...ya.) Oh ya, I don't remember coming out of the 2nd surgery, the puss draining one, because I ended up back under the knife for my 3rd emergency surgery and don't remember a thing for the following week when i was [finally] placed in intensive care, surviving by iron lung and god knows what . My nutrient levels were basically at 0.
Longest weeks of my life, that summer. SO painful was my recovery. I was finally released from the hospital on Aug. 16th with the illeo, catheter, jp drain (2 removed), tention sueters, and a ng tube, aka feeding tube. I was on pic feeding (artificial nutrition) for well over a month in the hospital, and was still not tolorating food well upon departure. I basically convinced the Drs I could improve my extremely poor health from home where I could smoke pot and eat real food! Again, I was too ill to cure myself. The day after I was released I was back into a nursing home for almost 2 weeks, reaching my lowest weight of 84 lbs. I had to leave because my insurence actually stopped covering me, thus forcing me to go back to an abusive living situation .
It's so true: what doesn't kill us definitely makes us stronger . proof.
It's been a long road traveled in an extremely short time. I only just had my take down surgery May 2013, mothers day weekend~ also a significant date, marking a year out of said abusive relationship.
I'm feeling better than words describe without the bag. My son will be 4 next week. I am so greatful to be alive.
I'll be scoped next month to see if the pouch is handeling itself. I am concerned because I'm still in the bathroom a minimum of 10 times a day. Not complaining, really. Sort of . I stick mainly to the SCD diet still, it's easy at this point, minus cocoa cravings I still indulge in. Oh, and a toddler tainted by the processed food world in which we live. I still feel real food is my only real medicine- as it is currently, besides medicinal herbs.
Can anyone give me some inspiration for the GAPS diet? I'm still unable to work and can't really afford to attempt probiotics without more insight.
Any other personal advice on dealing with UC/chrons with j pouch would be greatly appreciated !!
I wish all of you nothing but the healthiest gut. I wish no one had to suffer and we could all get some straight answers on what makes this disease tick and how to prevent future generations from dealing with the crap. Keep sharing you stories, put a spark in the right mind and keep hope alive. I love you all for being strong and being here!
Thanks for taking time to be on this site, I myself refused support out of denial of the situation. Now it's my life goal to help humanity. ~originally more of a tree hugger

A good friend of mine says: Women are angels and when our wings get broken we still fly. . . on broomsticks if need be, we're flexible that way.