I am not sure that a woman over 40 in my family still has her galbladder...we all got them removed sooner or later...that is just our heredity...
Mine bugged me from the age of 14 on...used to make my mom massage the spot just under my right scapula to the right of my spine with a decorative glass egg...the only thing that seemed to be the right shape and size to get to the pain. I had episodes where I was so sick, nauseaous, and in so much pain that I thought that I was having a heart attach...sometimes couldn't breath...lasted all told for nearly 35yrs (I am a bit slow on the uptake).
I tried herbal remedies, lemon juice diets, fasts and just about anything that I could to keep it under control...nothing ever showed up on the x-rays. Last year my surgeon ordered more tests and when he saw the ultrasound gave me 1 month to get into O.R. and have it yanked. It weighted over 2.2lbs, was full of over a quart of thick black bile and was ready to explode. There was only 1 gallstone...the size of a large olive.
He took it out through laporoscopy but the size and contents made the surgery much more complicated than it should have been...I waited much too long. They kept me in the hospital for 3 nights and I have never felt better...why did I wait so long and suffer for nothing?
If that is what it is then don't waste your time waiting it out...just get rid of it and be done with it.