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Hi fellow J pouchers

I would like to ask if anyone knows if gallbladder issues are common once the colon has been removed? I have been having issues the last couple months , I had no clue it was the gallbladder until I had a fever of 103 , ended up in ER with elevated liver enzymes . I had a stone of 6mm removed , pancreatic duct stent was put in. That was this past Week. I was also given the Cipro / Metronidazole combo In IV form for 3 days for the infection  in the ducts . If that is not enough I  found out my GI doc moved away so I was given a new GI doc. Since this happened I am feeling worse, more pain in the upper chest , upset stomach everytime I eat and i just don't feel good . I got out of the hospital and went right to my primary docs office ( of 28 yrs, he knows everything about me) I told him what happened and how I feel worse . He said you need that gallbladder out and the GI doc you were assigned is not a surgeon . Can anyone relate ? Does anyone know if we are subject to these gallbladder issues? I am going back in the hospital Monday and my primary is setting me up with his GI surgeon Since mine moved away. 

I had my surgery in 2012 . 

Thank you 

Betty Cracker

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Well, finally something I can truly contribute too!  Yes gall bladder problems can occur.  But before you do anything more you most likely need a ERCP.  It's a special kind of endoscope but only should be done by someone who does lots and lots.  DO NOT LET JUST ANYONE DO IT!  it is down while you are asleep.  Can't spell the word. So just run with me here.  What this test does is allow the doctor to see the liver and bile ducts.  Actually before you have this you should have an MRI.  With elevated liver enzymes and fever and infection is sounds like it could be primary sclerosing cholangitis.  Don't want to scare you, but if there is a university hospital near you, go there.  It needs to be rules out.



Hi Dianne,

Thank you for replying . I did have the scope procedure this past week by a GI doc. They removed a 6mm stone and looked at all the organs. I have been treated for infection all week in the hospital. It was not my normal GI doc because he had moved away and did not inform his patients . I went to my primary because this doc that they assigned to me did the procedure on Tuesday and I never saw him again. From the time I woke until Friday they just kept sending nurses in to see me. I guess I need to explain last Sunday night about 3 am I woke and knew something was wrong . When I took my temp it was 103 . I went to the closest hospital thinking flu & IVs  needed. My primary doc does not work out of the hospital I went to. By Friday I was getting upset, not seeing the doc that did the scope Or any doc for that matter. I called my primary and explained he said check yourself out and get here. That is exactly what I did . It also always me a doc I trust for 28 years. He said , my gallbladder has went bad and if I don't improve by Monday I will be admitted to the other hospital and another GI surgeon with J pouch experience will have to remove the G- bladder. I am not improving , I actually feel worse. More pain, sometimes I throw up after eating. I really can't eat much . Crackers seem to work best and I noticed my poo seems sluggish and constipated, which has never happened in 3 years without a colon. I guess this is all part of gallbladder issues. Apparently the last couple months I was not having anexity attacks when I had some chest pain, nor was the lower right quad pain I felt from adhesions . I just chalk everything up to those things the last couple months and it was the gallbladder going bad . That's the whole story. Maybe I should have said that to begin with but I was trying to keep it short and sweet not to make people read about my drama in the hospital. 


Thank you

Betty Cracker

Betty, gall bladder issues are common from what I've heard.  Gall bladder pain also mimics heart pain or a heart attack.  When you had the scope, they should have put you on antibiotics to prevent infection.  That was a good size stone they took out.  

Well, it sounds like you are the right path.  Good luck with your gal bladder.

Hi Betty,

Yes, it seems that a lot of us have galbladder issues and end up having them removed.

I was a teenager when I started to get the tell-tale back pain below the right scapula and up the shoulder. My mom used to massage it with one of those glass egg paperweights (the right shape to fit into the space)...we thought that it was back pain in the begining until my mom had her galbladder attack and had the exact same pains.

My GP believed in hollistic medicine and treated me with activated charcoal and artichoke extracts for a month to clear out the sludge which worked for a few years...then a lemon juice diet...tried it all until there was no oher choice.

I waited much too long but was too 'busy' with other pouch related stuff to have it done until it was almost too late. Here, they do not usually just suck out the stones but remove it entirely...

They did not remove mine until I was 50 (!)...when it reached gigaintic proportions (1 litre of black bile and a galstone the size of a huge olive)..I had it done through laporoscopy with my favorite specialist who is careful and throrough...I had been suffering horribly for years but it was an aching, low-grade suffering not a sudden attack.

So...the pain manifests itself differently in different people...some sudden and some slow and some never until it is least you have had warnings...

Removing it is a cake-walk as compared to pouch surgery...I wouldn't hesitate if they ask you to...good luck no matter what...

P.S. once I had mine removed I wondered why I had waited and suffered for so long



Hello all -

I, too, recently had my gallbladder out.  Biopsy came back chronic gallbladder disease. Who knew?!  I always attributed it to my GI issues with a j pouch.  I, also, have been diagnosed with PSC (primary sclerosing cholangitis) early stages or they are not sure. Does it ever end for us! Trying to just get on with life but body is not allowing it, at times.

I  had my j pouch done in 2012 and it has bee crazy ever since.  I have no more parts for them to take out!  I had my gallbladder removed in Feb. 2015 along with a liver biopsy. They did not do it laparoscopic so, another beautiful scar to add to the collection.  


Diane, I hope you get your answers soon and have a quick recovery.  Best of luck to you in the coming days!



2007 UC

2008 benign mucinous adenoma on appendix/removal

2012 proctocolectomy with j pouch and reconnection

2015 gallbladder removal w/liver biopsy dx. PSC 


Hi guys,

I can't thank you guys enough for the information. Yesterday I started throwing up, I can even keep chicken broth down. I have just been pumping water in . That seems to stay down but today I woke and its green bile I am throwing up. Now I was on antibiotics IV for 3 days in hospital and my primary gave me some for the weekend ( Cipro / Flygl ) along with pain meds. My doc is the one on call this weekend and I suppose to go to the hospital tomorrow but now with this green bile throwing up and not being able to eat anything because nothing is staying in I am thinking I might need to go to the hospital today ?? My doc said if it gets bad go to ER and they will page him. I don't have a fever, no serious pain but the pain meds take care of that just uncomfortable if I am up to long. It's really the vomiting that scares me because we don't have our colons. What do you guys think ? I am  packing my bags now to be ready for tomorrow but if you guys think I should go I will go. I probably need Zophram to settle the tummy ?? 



Looking forward to how this goes for you, best wishes!  I had a gall bladder attack (felt like a horse standing on my chest just below sternum, right side) just after my 1 of 2 pouch redos with Dr. Remiz last month.  My local doctor did an ERCP and the GB has to come out.  I am getting a "twofer" end of July at CC .. a takedown and a GB-ectomy.


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