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Hi,  it's Grace  I haven't been on for awhile .  I would like to know if anyone has a suggestion for gaining weight.  I still can not gain weight.  I lost 40lbs . My surgery was in 2010 J-pouch surgery.  I can not gain a pound.  Can anyone give me some advice.  I have tried many things, it just doesn't work. 


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For me, gaining weight has always been more successful when paired with consistent but not too difficult exercise.  Also, removing a stressor from my life has been a great way to gain weight and for general health: the most recent time I had to remove myself from the toxic culture of a particular yoga studio.  (Isn't that funny?)  I'm not sure about what to tell you to eat.  Sounds like you have tried everything.  There is a good book called "Healing with Whole Foods" that addresses certain conditions and is a good guide.  When we have missing parts of our guts, we don't absorb as much nutrition, so if our food is easy to digest, they theorize that we can get more from it.  They suggest combining the food in advance, which would mean smoothies and crock pots.  Cooked veggies and fruit are easier to digest.  So are finely ground things because they're pre-chewed.  So blended soups might help.  Also there are great suggestions for managing gut conditions in the book "Listen to Your Gut".

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