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I've been diagnosed as having a functional problem with my small intestine.
I've had my jpouch for 3 years now. My last surgery in November was to remove what they expected to be adhesions but when they cut me open there were none.
I feel very bloated every day and have mild nausea. Very weak as I cant eat very much.
I've tried Maxeran, Domperidone and Resotran to try to speed up the peristalysis but none of these seemed to help.
I was wondering if anyone else was going through this and what helped you out.
I had a scope done earlier this week which didnt show any blockage. My GI did see some swelling in the ileum and said it was likely caused by this functional problem.
I was told that the meds prescribed to speed up peristalysis are often not very effective.
Original Post
We use Reglan on ICU patients with peristalsis issues, but it has tardive dyskinesia as a side effect. Also, we use oral erythromycin, too. You could ask about those, don't know if they'd be appropriate for your situation or not.

I've had sort of bloating and nausea for a time, myself, but I've attributed to stomach issues (2 weeks of Prevcid usually makes me feel better), and an ovarian cyst that's sort of big. But my BMs lately have slowed quite a bit, and I've had to rely on MOM at night every once in awhile, so it makes me think. I've had multiple reasons to be on antibiotics recently, though, and I always find those make things slower for me (took them in January, March, and May). Not sure what to think lately. Just haven't felt totally right in a long time).

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