Hola everybody
I've been reading across this forum for about 3 weeks and you guys helped me so much in a mental way to rise up my head. Thank you for this virtual support.
I would like to share my case because I haven't found any single patient similar to me. So here it goes:
I'm mexican, 25 years old and white (my parents are from Jalisco and Sinaloa, a lot of blondes can be spotted there). At the end of November 2015 I was riding my bike every day to my school, 11 km, across the most polluted street in Europe: Av. Diagonal in Barcelona. I started to note blood in every evacuation I had. NO DIARRHEA, NO PAIN, just normal stool with blood. I thought it was an internal hemorrhoid due to the use of the bike.
I was like that the whole december, got a bit worse by stress from my school and by planning the trip back to Mexico for holidays... when everything went down.
And when I say down, I mean I was progressively dying. I arrived to Mexico January 17th of this year, ate a good mexican dish and diarrhea striked like never before.
I got a sigmoidoscopy. From the 20th of January to the 29th I was under treatment and took a lot of pills. This Dr. couldn't establish if it was 'CUCI' (Colitis Ulcerativa Crónica Inespecifica (UC in english)) or just a treatable and simple proctitis. Nothing improved. With 7 diarrheic and bloody evacuations a day, I lost 9 kg (20 pounds) in 2 weeks! My mom couldn't stand it anymore and got me in the hospital.
5 days later I was on Ramicade, prescribed by my OBVIOUSLY NEW DOCTOR and specialist. He later introduced me to a Surgeon for precaution, and not even 12 hours later, with 15 kg (33 pounds) lost already and not responding to the anemia, dying albumin, dying protein and white cells levels on the sky, they literally saved my life by removing that nasty colon.
My Dr. told me the disease was activated by high levels of stress and high levels of contamination in the environment. I was finally diagnosed with FULMINANT COLITIS , which is extremely rare, and is the chronic state of the disease (UC) that usually kills the patient...
After a month in a hospital bed, I could be labelled as a survivor boy... for sure.
Through the year I got my terminal Ileostomy, my takedown, and then my closure just last month. This whole year has been adaptation towards adaptation. I'm still under suppositories of PENTASA (1gr) due to a painful Cuffitis that has been slowly fading out. I'm finally trying to be fully independent once again but it's still hard to mentally manage my life on top of the toilet. I'm planning to return to Barcelona to finish my Master in January, and I'm a bit worried to start the whole adventure again, although I won't live, for sure, in the same part of the city anymore. Also my girlfriend is obligating me to take acupuncture lessons (encouraged by my Dr.) to comfort, yoga lessons to comfort, and taking care of my dog to... MENTAL COMFORT. I have to state that I'm a very apprehensive man and it's hard dealing with all this nightmare that suddenly awaked.
but anyway... pasito a pasito.
I don't know if there's someone with a similar case... it will be nice to know if there is anybody out there like me.
Thanks for reading and warm cheers to all pouchers from Mexico.