Almost 10 years ago I had what they called a hard to treat Bartholin's cyst that seemed to resolve over time. This June about a week after having a pouchoscopy I felt a strange couple of bumps on the outside of my vagina more on the labia, I feared this could be a fistula or Bartholin's gland forming. I have never been diagnosed with fistula before. This time I treated it like a Bartholin's cyst and it eventually burst and bled and drained a lot. There is still a small lump that is painful from time to time, I am worried it may start to swell again and it still is not fully healed. I spoke to my GI doctor whom Im not to impressed with and she did order an MRI but they are booking out over a month. Can a pelvic MRI actually detect/ rule out a fistula? Has anyone been through this before? I also have a lot of rectal pain and I swear somethings going on there too as skin will swell then bleed and then feel better however they always say they are skin tags but I am not certain doctors know everything.
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Check with your Gyn, even if just a phone call.
MRI is pretty accurate in detecting fistulas.
Shortly after my anastomosis/j-pouch surgeries in 2000 I developed a recto-vaginal fistula, so I had stool coming out my vagina for several years. Just as I was coming to grips with having to wear a tampon 24/7, I had a pain that literally felt like my organs were being re-arranged.
Next thing I knew, no more! I believe God healed me. You really need a relationship with the Lord to get through this. He loves you!
I still have struggles, sometimes more than others. Like lately, I’ve been leaking. Is this an old pouch symptom? I’m 64 and have had mine for 24 years. Can’t believe I’m just now finding a support group! Thanks to my computer wiz son!
I just finished 21 days of Flagyl and the swelling is mostly gone, but there is still a hard tubelike lump that occasionally drains pus, thankfully not stool. Sometimes it burns, sometimes it hurts or itches. MRI in 3 days will be interesting if they see anything going on. Like everytime I finish antibiotics I fear everything will come back with a vengence.
Update MRI did not show a fistula, but a Bartholin gland cyst (this is after it burst). Its been 8 months since the cyst rupture and still having minor drainage of pus and blood from time to time. About 2 months ago went to GYN who said you seem to be managing it well and sent me on my way. No testing done. Called about a month later they prescribed Bactrim x 1 week, it calmed the drainage but still there. Just doesn't seem normal to have a permanent opening that drains pus and blood every few days, although only minimal pain, it can get itchy and feel irratated off and on. Reached out to my surgeon who I haven't seen in a VERY long time he said he could do a scope to see what's going on but he doesn't offer sedation! Im a baby with scopes and need sedation! Still trying to figure out if I really need GI or GYN for this issue and trying not to spend tons of wasted money on exams I dont need. End of Rant...