I had the illeostomy done in April of 2013. And when i was in hospital the surgeon told me I would have leakage and blood still from the bottom end but intime it would go away. Well it's been 8 months and I feel like I still have my UC cause I have go run to the bathroom because I can feel the urge for my bottom end to explode and most of the time I don't make it on the toilet I will make a nasty mess on the seat cause I can't get on the toilet fast enough. I seen my surgeon back in October and told her I wanted reconnected and that my insurance was expiring at the end of the year. She told me to get new insurance in place before we go any further. I've tried the stupid healthcare gov web site have been on the phone with them several time because the stupid site doesn't work. I got the entire application done over a month ago and to this day still won't let me see the plans I'm elgible for. And the customer service tells me to try again in couple days and it never works. I even tried to get medicaid and got denied. Don't understand that either cause I don't work during the winter months cause I'm self employed and my line of work is seasonal. I'm so frustrated with all of this. Can't get crap out of healthcare site people and from what I hear premiums are gonna be higher then I pay now and won't be able to afford it anyhow. Any advise would be greatly appreciated. I gave until the end of the month with my current insurance then I'm sol and no way can I afford the bags and wafers and whatever else. Wish I would've had a healthy colon. This us to stressful for me to deal with.
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