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Hello New Friends! This is my first post, however over the past few years I have frequented reading the boards, and believe me, have used the search function over and over again to help get me through various pouch issues (fissures, strictures, pouchitis, frustration, etc.)

After 18 years of having a jpouch, I'm going to be going back to a perm ileo. There are numerous reason why I feel this is the best option for me, and I know in the long run I will be very happy. At this point, I just need a little encouragement and support. I've been a bit sad, but also look forward to getting my life back without always worrying about where the restrooms are, dealing with chronic pouchitis, having issues emptying the pouch. I've done everything and anything to resolve some long standing issues, but in my heart I know that an ostomy will bring me more happiness in life.

I've been reading Eric's posts recently, and today's where he states how happy he is with his ostomy has confirmed that better days lie ahead for me.

I'm much concerned with the post op pain, and the recovery from the tush sutures, so any advice on that would be much appreciated.

Sorry for the long post, I'm new at this. Thank you all for your years of posts, they have gotten me through some rough times and I look forward for many happy posts to come!
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Best of luck to you PoucherInTO. It sounds as if you are in a good place with this decision and that relief will come to you as it did to Eric. When is your surgery scheduled?

I hope you keep us posted as to how your surgery goes. I'm a 20-year pouch vet and am also considering going back to the ostomy, so am quite interested in your experiences.

Best wishes!
Thank you for your post n/a. My surgery is scheduled for mid-October. I know this is quite some time in the future, but in discussing my options with my surgeon we talked about doing the surgery before or after the summer (Toronto summers are very hot and humid and I'd like to avoid recovery during this time. Not to mention OR time is much reduced and there is a strong chance that I would get "bumped" for someone needing an emergent surgery). Also, I need a bit of time to be fully ready for this, both mentally and financially, so waiting a bit made the most sense for me.

I was diagnosed with UC when I was 10 years old, remember starting symptoms when I was in kindergarten. Had jpouch/ostomy when I was 15, and felt so free and healthy with the ileostomy. 18 years later and I can't wait to get back to that feeling!

I will definitely keep you posted on my recovery - it can be quite emotional to finally go through with getting rid of a part of your body that one concentrates so much time and worry on.
Went back to the ileo 11 years ago - never a moment of regret. All the same reasons you are doing it. Perfect GI health since.

I actually recovered from my j-pouch removal surgery faster than any of the others. I think it is because the pouch is what was making me sick, and because I did a mind body program before surgery. I used the "Prepare for Surgery Heal Faster" by Peggy Huddelston. Its a guided meditation program and I wore headphones through surgery. Also got a weekly massage for the month before surgery.

Hardest part of recovery for me was the tush stitches. Once those came out I was good.

Feel free to ask any questions you might have. Ostomy was the best choice I ever made regarding my health.
JillM: thank you for the suggestion on "Prepare for Surgery, Heal Faster". I've looked it up and think it looks like a great program to use! I'm going to order it online for sure. I will also PM you as I have a few more questions that I'm hoping you can help me with.

UCWarrior: thanks for reading my post and wishing good luck! We're about the same age (I'm 33) so if you ever have jpouch questions feel free to contact me for support as well as it seems your takedown was quite recently.

mgmt10: I will definitely be checking out - thanks for giving me the headsup about it.

chiromancer: I'm so happy your jpouch removal went so well! Best of luck in your continued recovery and happy and healthy future Smiler

These boards have brought a smile to my face, thank you all for caring!
had my jpouch removed a little over a year ago. I LOVE LOVE LOVE my permanant ileostomy. I do have a chronic wound which is in the rarest of freak cases not healing and I've had to undergo many many EUAs and other procedures in the last year for that. But even with all of that... I would still do it all over again. Did I say.. I LOVE my perm. ileo?

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