Although I have visited this site many times through out my time of illness and surgeries this is my first post here.
It's late at night and my j pouch is kicking my ass. I've had it for one week now and my main problem is that I'm going to the bathroom urgently all the time. Don't ask how many times, I didn't want to count because the mere number might scare me to death.
My first visit to the bathroom after my surgery went terrific. It was after a reasonable amount of time after my first meal (which was a proper meal). There was no pain, little to no blood, no trouble passing it. It was just a glorious moment, a unexpected yet very welcomed moment.
Soon after that however the toilet paper stirred up hell and my anus got swollen, it was itching. The hospital personnel helped me figure our which ointments to use so that was solved. Then I had a painful problem with gas and inconsistent consistency. I figured that out how to deal with that too.
Today I've been home for two days from the hospital. Those days have gone as follows:
I wake up and go to the bathroom like any normal person, eat breakfast, hang around, eat lunch and hang around some more. The further the day has progressed the more often I go to the bathroom (as I get more food in me). However, eventually it gets to the point where I can only relax lying down. When I stand, walk or sit I pretty much have to go all the time. And Here's the kicker: I have really good stool, not too hard not too soft, and I'm not using any medication like Imodium or fibre.
If there's anyone out there who had the same experience after the takedown PLEASE tell me that it's going to be OK! I figure I will call my doctor tomorrow and ask him why he thinks this is but I'm afraid that he's just going to answer it with the true fact "it's different for everyone".
I think I've said enough for this to be too long for anyone to wanna bother reading it. It's time to go the bathroom anyway. But if someone can say something encouraging I would be very happy!
Lots of Love
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