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I am not sure if this is helpful, but you could try a product that has D mannose, which is a sugar that has been shown to make it more difficult for the bacteria in UTIs to latch on to the urethra. I saw an article by NIH that suggests it may be as helpful as an antibiotic in treating/preventing UTIs. Mostly, I hope you feel better soon and can figure it out!

Are you drinking enough?  Are you voiding completely? Are you cleaning properly post void, BM, and intercourse?   Are you peri-menopausal?  Vaginal estrogen can help if you are having peri-menopausal symptoms.  Blueberry juice is more effective than cranberry juice as an enzyme in the blueberry prevents bacteria from adhering to the walls of the bladder.  Do you think you may have a colo-vesical fistula?  There are so many contributing factors to UTI's it is often difficult to get a straight answer.  It's important that they are treated promptly as pyelonephritis (kidney infection) is not nice at all.

I wish you the best of luck finding an answer to your ailment.

@Jaypea posted:

Are you drinking enough?  Are you voiding completely? Are you cleaning properly post void, BM, and intercourse?   Are you peri-menopausal?  Vaginal estrogen can help if you are having peri-menopausal symptoms.  Blueberry juice is more effective than cranberry juice as an enzyme in the blueberry prevents bacteria from adhering to the walls of the bladder.  Do you think you may have a colo-vesical fistula?  There are so many contributing factors to UTI's it is often difficult to get a straight answer.  It's important that they are treated promptly as pyelonephritis (kidney infection) is not nice at all.

I wish you the best of luck finding an answer to your ailment.

I never knew blueberry is more effective than cranberry juice!! Thank-you!!

Where did you learn that???

Last edited by Former Member
@Jaypea posted:

I have been a nurse for over 36 years.  Some time in my emergency room experience I had a doctor explain this to one of our patients.  I looked it up et voila! He was correct.

Yeah I looked it up too! That is amazing!! Thank-you sharing that! I wonder why doctors do not know more about this, they always advertise cranberry juice and never talk about blueberry juice unfortunately.

Was it hard being a nurse with your J-pouch while working the E.R?

Last edited by Former Member

I had an ileostomy for 18 months after an emergency colectomy before my j-pouch.  All my co-workers knew.  It took some time to get to know my new normal and when and what I could eat and how it would effect my pouch.  There were times when I wanted my ileostomy back as I could easily wait to empty (depending of course on how full the bag was).  The most difficult was being a flight nurse on small fixed wing aircraft with no bathroom!  When I had to do flights I simply did not eat and drank very little.  Never had a problem.  It takes time and lots of patience.  I absolutely love my pouch and have so much painless freedom compared to having a colon.  Life is so good.

What made you have an ileostomy for so long???

I like that you told your co-workers, life is so much easier when those around you know so they can be sympathetic/empathetic to what your going through, of course there will be those who are not but its good know that some are.

That is good that you learned your new normal, I know with our situations its trial and error most of the time. I am glad you love your pouch, I love mine too.

Are you still a nurse??? And when you were/are working, do you take wipes and calmospetine with you???

I spent the last year flying around the world as international cabin crew.  I returned to nursing and work in a pediatric preoperative area.  I do not take wipes as they are horrible for the environment and I cannot use calmoseptine as it burns like fire.  TP and good hygiene are my go to (oh and always have antibiotics ready to use if necessary).

@Jaypea posted:

I spent the last year flying around the world as international cabin crew.  I returned to nursing and work in a pediatric preoperative area.  I do not take wipes as they are horrible for the environment and I cannot use calmoseptine as it burns like fire.  TP and good hygiene are my go to (oh and always have antibiotics ready to use if necessary).

I love that you work with kids, I use to see a pediatric gastro in my childhood days when I was first diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis. Do you see a lot of IBD kids in the preoperative area??? And your able to work pretty well there with your pouch???

You are soo lucky you can use just Tp, I wish I was that lucky lol.

How do you handle your butt burn??? Just hygeine alone???

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