i just had a ileostomy take-down on 12/16/16. I had a dark mixed drink last night and im suffering from frequency and ileoanal pain. any recommendations
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After I go the bathroom, I get in the shower and wash my bottom. Then I dry myself off. After I'm dry, I use calazime with olivamine cream from Medline. It works wonders for me, so maybe you could try that. If you can get a bidet, that would help too ( I'd get one, but I can't afford it right now).
Hello, Ericaleejpoucher and ittybittykira.
The bidet that you have to attach to your toilet can be pricey, around $95 on Amazon and you *might* need a plumber, but the plastic squeeze bottle from Amazon cost around $12 - $15. I bought one before I went to my big surgery, just to be prepared. I took it with me whenever I went out, and had another that stayed home. It saved my life and my bottom. Fill it from the tap with warm water, and after you finished your BM aim the nozzle at your bottom and squeeze the bottle. The stream of water cleans thoroughly and is very comfortable. You won't have to get into the shower every single time, especially if you have frequency and raw skin from burning. The squeeze bottle worked so well when I had my ostomy because I used the squirt nozzle to clean and freshen the inside of my ostomy bag with hot water and I didn't have to change it as often. Order a few other supplies (Calmoseptine? Zincofax? Underwear liners?) with the bottle and get free shipping.
Good luck in these first few weeks and months. You will get better. I am 10 months post takedown. I used to suffer burned, raw skin, frequency, pouchitis, leakage, pain sitting, standing, breathing. Now I'm managing 4 - 7 BMs in a 24 hour period, no leakage unless I'm holding too long. I eat almost every type of food, but not citrus fruits or vegetable peels (yet; trying every month), no sodas at all (I read there is equivalent 12 teaspoons of sugar in a can of pop!!!), I cut back sugary desserts. You will learn what works. Keep a simple food diary. Be patient, try not to be discouraged or despair. Your small intestine is learning how to function for you as a sort of "colon". Give it all the help you can, choose the right foods and drinks in this first year.
Thanks Winterberry, I will definitely buy that squeeze bottle. The shower does wonders for me, but I think a squeeze bottle would be more gentle on my sore butt.