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I just wanted to let anyone who has been suffering from chronic cuffitis as I have been for over a year, that I stopped all suppositories over a week ago and I feel 100% better. Some of you may have seen my desperate posts over the last several months as I was being recommended for pouch advancement surgery.

I have been on and off anucort and canasa over the last year, but chronically on one of these for the entire year. I also went through a couple of jars of nifedipine and was using rectiv when really desperate with the anal pain and internal burning.

I honestly believe my cuff was so traumatized from all this stuff I was putting up it day and night that I could not deal with one more suppository so I stopped all. I am not sure if I may still have some inflammation going on in the cuff, but if I do, it is asymptomatic and more bleeding either.
I am also emptying my pouch fine and have been able to manage to get through several days at a time with no antibiotics. I may need to add an occasional dose of cipro here and there in between if I am struggling a bit more on a certain day with increased frequency and any cramping.
My GI and I talked about this and he told me to try and see if I can alternate days or go a few days in between antibiotic dosages and I have been doing this on and off for a few months if not longer. I am getting scoped in 2 weeks and will post results.

I just wanted to offer any encouragement to anyone else who has been struggling as long as I have been with these issues. There may be an end in sight. I am afraid to pinch myself as after two LONG and very trying years, I am hoping I may eventually be medication free...even if for only a few months at a time. I will take it.
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Jeane, this is positively fantastic! Fingers crossed that things are stabilized for you. Interesting about your observation regarding rectal meds. One of the reasons I didn't want to stay on Canasa indefinitely was because of the possibility of causing irritation/inflammation by the continuous manipulation of the anal canal. I still use them from time to time, but after going back on oral Azulfidine, I have not needed Canasa more than a few times a year.

Maybe you won't need surgery after all!!

Jan Smiler
Hi Kathy. Thanks for checking in. I have good days and bad. Today happened to be a bad one. Lots of burn and itch today and increased trips but no bleeding which is always good. I am still off all suppositories. I'm getting scoped next week and I'm a bit nervous. I have tried very hard to stay off Cipro the last several weeks but I always notice a difference when off it...increased frequency, more cramping and urgency, and pouch is always more unhappy in general as well as cuff. When I get really bad I will throw in a few antibiotic doses along the way but I'm not sure if that is the best idea.

I think this is the best it will ever be for me after two years. My GI is not concerned about low dose chronic antibiotic use but I am and the only one that really does anything for me is cipro so rotating does not even seem to be an option.

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