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Hi Everybody, had my illeostomy since 2017 since my J pouch became too painful to use, but had it 1992 for the next 25 years. I hope to fly soon, it'll be for about 2 hours, has anyone had any problems with the pouch during a flight, like leaks or ballooning, or even a dreaded pop-off?

Thanks for any advice


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I downloaded a card from the American Ostomy Association (I think I have that right).  It is a blue wallet card that you can show to TSA which indicates you have an ostomy.  If you require a pat down they will take you to a private area.  If they see your appliance on the body scanner they won’t freak out.  I always told the flight attendants that I may need to use the washroom even though the seatbelt sign might be on.  I limited food and fluids pre-flight to decrease output and gas. Always, always travel with extra supplies in your carry on.  Most airlines will allow you an extra carry on if it is for medical supplies. Now sit back, relax and enjoy your flight.

Never had any difficulties with leaks, etc. and I have flown a lot including overseas, except the last year. But its always a possibility so make sure you have what you need for a quick change in your carry on. I also try to do a change the night before the trip

Highly recommend getting TSA pre screen this keeps you from having to go into the big scanners which for me always raise a question with the TSA and require the pat down, wastes time if you are rushed. With the TSA pre you walk through the old fashioned scanners, and I have never been stopped or questioned as to my ileostomy. I don't use the card, no one knows I have an ileostomy nor needs to.

Hi,  I know this is old, as many are, but as I was just recently on a flight, thought I would add a reply.

I have TSA pre approve and had to go 3 times through the scanner , then a man hand wandered ma, a woman told me kindly, that something was showing near my waist and she must hand pat me down! I did inform her what it was, and she again apologized, but was required to do it.

I actually felt a bit sorry for her.,as I have a heavy output bag and it was getting near capacity at that point🥴. Did the original guy think it was one of those plastic guns? Just kidding! Who knows? Safety first and I don’t blame them.

BTW, it was my 2nd flight since I got this and the other didn’t notice. Good weekend to all of you out there🌝


HI everyone, thanks for your replies, but our holiday was cancelled due to covid

Just getting everyone in Oz double vacced now so hopefully borders will open soon, Queensland seems to be extra slow with this but the Premier is say re-open at Christmas so maybe it will but I hope Covid doesn't enter too, so far we've been really lucky here but once the borders re-open Delta will slip in

I dont know whether the Aussie stoma assoc has cards to show that you have a stoma, but will find out as hopefully we'll be able to re-book soon

Hope you are getting your supplies ok as ours have been delayed due to them  coming from Europe, covid and strikes, I was starting to panic today but fortunately just received a month's supply, well 2 items were missing but enough to carry on for a while


Hi Hever,

Hope you on the other side of the world are loosening up a bit? As of now, some of the states are getting a bit worse again. Still a large percentage of folks unvaccinated.

Supplies here are getting harder to obtain also. I’ve noticed that many brands are produced in small countries, and not being shipped here. Guess all of us are trying not to panic ??

Sending prayers and good thoughts to all out there for an end to this World Wide pandemic.
Happy Holidays to all!


I have a K pouch and not only got patted down, but pulled aside to show off my stoma.  This despite explaining my situation in great detail.  BTW I am in my 70s.  I said something rude to the TSA person, which wasn't necessary but they really treated me terribly and was about to miss my flight.  I would love a letter or card that I could show.  It doesn't help that four major joints are replaced so I trigger the alarm.

Hi Jan 15,

I have had the Blue card , but doesn’t make a difference and also TSA pre approval , they do have to be careful, guess even with us old folks haha. But , it’s just a bit of a Cranky World now. Some people are in the wrong jobs.

I’m traveling alone in January and reminding myself to deep breath already. Am I just nuts? And still the COVID issues!!

But very happy to be as I am today. You stay safe and enjoy the Holidays


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