Good advice, Jan. Momma, I would suggest trying different convex wafers as they're not all the same. Marlen makes a bag with a very deep convex wafer. A belt hooked onto the bag pulls the wafer tighter to your body and can prevent output from seeping under the ring. When you wear a belt, the bag has to hang straight down, though, so the loops that the belt attaches to are even - 9:00 and 3:00 (I wear my bag angled towards my body so the belt loops 10:00 and 4:00 and, when I wore a belt, it pulled the barrier a little off my body!) I would also suggest going down an eighth of a size in bag opening for the stoma. This helped me a lot when I had seepage under my ring and my skin was red and burning because it hugged my stoma more. You just have to make sure the stoma can move freely when expanding and contracting during output. Good luck to your son - he'll get it!