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Heading to the Doctor tomorrow because having fluid retention in my feet and legs at night, unless I have them elevated.

My concern is, having an Ileoostomy I drink a lot of fluids. Both my parents had heart disease, and both had to go on a diuretic because of fluid retention. Wouldn't a diuretic cause dehydration?

I have not had any blood work done since my surgery, I hope he does a complete lab workup to make sure things are where they need to be.

My doc is good with treating stuff like the flu, ear aches ect. Not sure he knows much about ostomies. He misdiagnosed my UC for years before he ordered a colonoscopy. Guess I don't have much faith in him.
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Having an ileostomy does not protect you from heart disease, so you are smart to follow up if you are having similar symptoms as your parents.

Dependent edema (water retention in the feet and legs) is pretty commonly associated with left sided heart failure, but also with anything that can cause heart irritation and many medications. For example, regular use of NSAIDs will cause it. You can wear support stockings, but that just help prevent the swollen ankles.

You can take diurectics with a j-pouch or ileostomy, but you need to be careful not to get dehydrated.

If you don't have much faith in your primary doctor, it is time for a new one! Having one you do not trust is almost worse than none...

Good luck!

Jan Smiler

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