Try not to believe what you hear, but believe the facts, such as those in the link from the CDC that Scott posted. There are a lot of people who spread untrue things about vaccines.
Yes, the virus for most vaccines are grown in eggs. That means that if you are severely allergic to eggs, you need a special type of vaccine. It does not mean you cannot have any vaccines. If your allergy is mild, you can have the vaccine with precautions.
You CANNOT get the flu from the vaccine. You can get a mild case of the flu, but not from the vaccine. It is the vaccine that prevents the full blown flu if you were already exposed before you had enough time to develop enough antibodies. Feeling a little off or having some injection site pain is not "getting sick."
As for putting God-knows-what into your body goes, every time you enter a room full of people you are exposing yourself to viruses. THAT is the big unknown. Your choice is to either live in a bubble, take your chances, or protect yourself as best you can. Smallpox is considered eradicated due to vaccines and polio is greatly diminished. They don't even give those anymore. It is up to you what risks you find acceptable. Just make choices on facts, not rumors.
Flu vaccine will always be needed because it mutates from year to year. I have been getting the flu vaccines for decades and have never had a problem. I just WISH I could get the shingles vaccine, but I can't because it is live virus and I am on a biologic. I did start the hepatitis B series recently on my doctor's advice.