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If things could get worse I think they did with my first case of the flu since my take down. Wow trying to get back on your medicines and keeping them down are sure a job. Any suggestions on how to go about it? I ate about 3 spoonfuls of rice last night and that went right through me. I am drinking a lot and did have to go to the hospital to get some fluids and medicine to stop by throwing up. OMG this is really kicking my butt. Any advice would be great. I am getting hungry finally. I guess that is a good thing.
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I didn't stay in the hospital. They wanted me to contact my GI doctor on Monday. But I am still drinking and resting all day long. I don't work. I am a stay at home mom. Today I am a little better and have decided to eat some turkey and dressing. It is already put together and not real spicy. I think it is Hormel. I am going to add salt. The only water I drink is Smart Water with the electrolytes in it. I think it might be getting better but my goodness explaining the hospital what a jpouch is, is amazing. The doctor wasn't for sure and then said oh yah I know what that it. I wish I could have came home the needle still in my arm. I have all the fluids and etc I need when I came home from my take down I had a pic line in. The insurance covered it all, so I am hanging on to it. To bad I wasn't a nurse!!!!

I do want to say, I am grateful for everyone on here. It is so nice to know there are others that understand completely. It is so helpful!!!

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