Incredibly weak. I’m getting bloated really bad, especially after eating. Frequent urges to go evacuate but not much accomplished when I do. However I’m sticking to a low fiber diet and even at that, Im not eating anywhere near my usual amount. Living more on protein shakes I think. But I’m just feeling worse and worse. Of course, it’s the weekend and I won’t be able to speak to anyone; just go to ER if it gets unbearable. I did manage to get a message back from my GI dr and he wants me to step up the probiotics. I was expecting him to go with antibiotics. Was dreading them....they all make me sick. Cipro, Flagyl, rifaximin. They make me feel instantly blocked. He gave me tinidazole a few months ago for future bouts of pouchitis. But he’s wanting me to do more probiotics now. Opinions?
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I am sorry to hear about this! I would definitely recommend the ER if its get worse. In the mean time, maybe probiotic yogurts and definitely stay hydrated.
I’m sorry you are not feeling well. I’ve been experiencing severe gurgling/ gas, bloating & abdominal pain & tenesmus (feeling like I have to go but nothing happens) the last 5 days myself. I came in the site to read others thoughts & suggestions too. Today I put myself on a liquid diet, lots of fluids- broth, water, green tea (hoping to reduce inflammation) small cup black coffee, it seems to have helped quiet the insides for me so far, no pain tonight, only slight bloat. I need to figure out a consistent way of eating too and adequate bathroom time/ use. I used to make smoothies with plain Greek yogurt, banana, and blueberries in the morning and seemed to set a good digestive pace for the day (good stool formed & flow) but it’s been a while since I’ve been making those. Also, I think evacuation/ “going to the bathroom” when the pouch signals (you get the urge) is key- don’t hold for long. I’ve been “holding it & feel like it might have caused this inflammation. I’m experiencing. I hope you feel better soon. A little self care & reset might be needed and definitely doctor or ER if you’re dehydrated.