Jpoucher4life, what type of fistula do you have? Pouch Vaginal Fistula, or another type? I ask because I do know of a woman who had a LIFT done a couple years ago, and is doing great; however, she did not have an PVF fistula. I will attempt to have her contact you if you are interested. However, ...
My surgeon (Cleveland Clinic) does not recommend a LIFT for my PVF, she said she doesn’t like the lift for PVFs because it opens up a lot of area/tissue and if it doesn’t work, you’re worse out. She likes the LIFT in many situations, however, in PVFs she sees problems with the LIFT when it doesn’t heal and you get this all opened up and you have an open cavity, and a lot of the times it’s the beginning of a stoma on the outside if it doesn’t heal. I'm just reporting one surgeon's opinion!
Did you ask your surgeon if you could contact his patients who've had the LIFT? It could be very helpful to talk with them directly - find out their circumstances, how similar to yours, and other details.
I so empathize with you - I've had my fistula for 2-1/2 yrs, a seton in for a year, and it looks like it may be in for quite a bit longer (perhaps even - gak! forever??) If asked what are the consequences of having it removed and just living with it that way, and my surgeon said you WILL abscess, it's just a matter of when... Sigh. NOT what I wanted to hear.
Best of luck, keep up posted on what you decide to do!