The last couple of months things have got bad. Every night I have 2-3 major accidents. Now stool is coming from my vagina - a lot not a little. I have to wear pads as there is seepage all the time. My skin is breaking down. I am getting horrific cramps that is like bearing down contractions on my pouch and I have pelvic pain.
My baby is only 4 months so I don't want massive surgery. I am ready to get an ileostomy back. Will that sort the vaginal issue? Can I have an end ileo now and possibly get fixed up again in the future?
I am worried about compromising Breastfeeding with major surgery. I don't want to be away from my baby for long but I am in such a bad way I can't stand it.
I had a scope a few weeks ago showing that the Pouchitis was under control (am on antibiotics) but the cuffitis was very bad.
Any words of wisdom? I wondered if I has a fistula but now I am positive .
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