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Hi everyone,

This is my first post.  I've had a j-pouch for about 4 years, and except for some occasional cuffitis, it works pretty well.

I've had a fever and cough off and on for a few weeks, so my doctor put me on the antibiotic Avelox.  I was supposed to take it for 7 days, but after 3 days I had to stop.  I'm going to the bathroom non-stop.  I have cramping, leaking, bleeding, and urgency.   I haven't experienced anything like this since I had my last flare of UC about 4 years ago.

I called my surgeon and he said it sounds like I have pouchitis.  He put me on flagyl, levaquin, and steroid enemas.  He said that if my symptoms don't get better he wants to scope me.

Has anyone else ever had an antibiotic cause pouchitis?  What's the best way to get my gut under control again?


PS- it took me 30 minutes to type this because I keep running to the bathroom.

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I ended up being scoped last week.  The doctor said my pouch looked terrible.   Everything was red and inflamed.  The doctor told me to continue the Flagyl and steroid enemas, but she let me stop taking the Levaquin.  

The good news: the c.diff test was negative, and over the past few days things finally seem to be calming down.  I'm down to 6-8 bathroom visits during the day and 1 at night.  Hopefully I'll continue to improve after I'm done with the Flagyl, and this won't become an antibiotic-dependant situation.


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