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Hello all,

After about 3 years of hell, I finally have a date to go from my j-pouch to an ileostomy (hopefully temporary).

I found a surgeon, one of the best in Quebec, who will be doing the surgery lapriscopically.

Since I am supposed to have a relatively short procedure (I am told 1 hour) does anyone know how long I will be in the hospital and how long ti could be before I can drive again? Does recovery of a week or two seem reasonable to expect or are my expectations unreasonable. I have had a bag before, so I know what it is like to live with one.

I want to thank everyone who has helped me through this difficult period.

All the best,

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Good luck and keep us posted...yes, the surgery is short but you will have a guts filled with hot air like a helium baloon for about a week...I found that pain worse that the surgical need to walk off the gas constantly. For most Laporoscopic surgeries they kept me for 1-3 days and then a week at home for long as there are no complications then that usually sufficies...driving about 10 days should do it but don't over do it and go all Superman on still need to rest!
Take care of yourself in there and let's hope that this in then end of a very long road...

I know you are ready to get it all behind you but please make sure you are ready before you leap in. As Sharon said 10 days and I'd say round up to 2 weeks. People getting gallbladders out get at least that long!

I'm assuming you are not having your pouch removed just going back to an ileo. Please let us know how it all goes Smiler
I recently had to go back to a temp diverting ileostomy. Yes, surgery was short - I think around 45 mins? I was in the hospital for 2 days and then driving again as soon as I switched from percocet to tylenol (I think around 5 days). BUT I really could have used longer to recover. I have 2 small kids and not too much help so I usually have to jump back into things pretty quickly. Just wanted to give you worst case scenario in case you don't have too much time. Good luck to you. I hope you get some much needed relief!
Hi Everyone,

Thanks for the info and good wishes. With luck, this will be temporary and leave up to reconstruction jpouch surgery in the neat future. I certainly don't want to have a bag the rest of my life.

I am scheduled to drive 8 hours from Montreal to Philadelphia on May 2 (2 weeks after surgery) which is why I was asking about recovery period. Doesn't look too hopeful now.

Wishing everyone good health !


solomin. I am kind of shocked that they are doing this laproscopically with all of your previous surgeries. I wouldn't question things if they wanted to open you up to do this. It allows them to do a much more thorough job sometimes if they can see everything.

When I went from jpouch to disconnected jpouch with diverting ileo.. Dr. Remzi opened me up. He did not do this surgery laproscopically on me.

It was a pretty easy surgery in the big scheme of things. Gut wise, I was fine in about two days. I would've been out of the hospital in three or four days. But I had a freak complication. I ended up with a postdural puncture from the epidural that was used. And the pain management team spent a week trying things to resolve it.. all of which failed.. and then they resorted to doing a blood patch. I was out of the hospital one day after they did that.

As for driving.. Once you can get off the narcotics, you are good to go. I think I was probably off all of them about one week after I got out of the hospital. As I said, it was a pretty easy surgery. And I had been so very sick from the mutant jpouch that once it got disconnected, my body rejoiced in being able to eat and regain some form of health.
good luck solomin. I know this has been a long time coming for you.

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