I've research past threads about this and still need help.
I've been having a fever off and on. I put it off as post menopausal as all of my female parts are out of my body too. I think I'm wrong about that.
At a regular appt. with my Internist my temp was 2+ degrees higher than my normal. She ordered blood work and a urine test. I know I don't have a bladder infection so am expecting the work to come back saying I have inflammation and an infection somewhere. I hope to hear today before the weekend. I have no patience.
What pouch related conditions can also cause fevers?
I'm still taking pain medication that included tylenol daily so without that the temp might have been higher.
I've got chronic cuffitis but think that's at a low or in remission. I don't know why that would cause a fever just because I didn't get them with UC.
So now I'm imagining another abscess somewhere, a fistula or pouchitis. I don't think pouchitis either but have never had it. I don't think it's C-Diff as I'm not having those symptoms nor did I have a fever with that either.
The pain medication could be masking a non pouch
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