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Not sure what this is...First time it has happened but I woke up this morning with what felt like grains of sand under my tounge, inside my lower gums and down my feels like it goes all the way down my throat and into my stomach (no way of knowing, obviously)...I took an antihystamine immediately but nothing happened. I am going to take another one tonight. Makes swallowing feel very strange but my breathing is not blocked and I can swallow fluids.
No swelling, no funny taste or rashes or buzzing in my ears...just large grains of what feels like sand.
Anybody else? Ideas?
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Sharon, do you have any white patches inside your mouth, particularly on the tongue or around the tonsil area? My immediate thought would be thrush but obviously the white/yellowish patches are telltale, and such a widespread case might not pop up overnight.

Still, check inside your mouth - if you see patches, it might be thrush. Such patches should scrape off fairly easily, may be red underneath and perhaps bleed a little bit. Your breath may smell bready, or like beer.

Hope you can get to the bottom of this!
No, No white patches, no yeast smell just sandy texture like a rash but inside the mouth and throat...not changes in diet, meds or product changes and since we didn't eat out all weekend I just can't figure it out. Was in a bit of a panic this morning because I thought that it was the start of an anaphalactic reaction but no...not better or worse just sandy down to the throat.
Thanks Spooky...
If there is no sign of thrush (and you have not been taking antibiotics lately), my second thought might be dry mouth syndrome or even IBD related inflammation. Still, it can take a while before thrush becomes more obvious.

If you have been taking antihistamines, dry mouth can be a real problem, and your symptoms may be consistent with that. It can also be associated with viral infections.

Also, I recently had unexplained generalized pitting of my oral mucosa, with no discernible ulcers or current IBD flare. My dentist and GI doc were stumped, but assumed it was autoimmune related. It resolved without any further intervention.

A third thought is that this is related to your thyroid dysfunction.

Jan Smiler
Symptoms can vary, but the thyroid gland affects pretty much every gland in the body in regard to maintaining homeostasis (normalcy). So, when your thyroid is wacky, your salivary glands can run that way too. Adding the drying effect of antihistamines can create a pile-on effect. In addition, you had a stressful bunch of days, adding other stress hormones to the mix.

My point is just that this another reason to get to the bottom of your presumed goiter and the reason it is there. It has probably been simmering for far too long.

Jan Smiler
Sharon, how are you today? I thought I'd mention, I've also had oral inflammation that was originally misdiagnosed as thrush. I had painful white, raised lace-like ulcerations of the gums and upper palate. These were not the same as the more common aphthous ulcers of the tongue, though I've had those too. This was eventually all attributed to IBD; unfortunately nobody, even my GI at the time, was sure how to treat it. Eating anything salty was extremely painful, and my gums bled when I brushed my teeth. I got bounced around to several different specialists before I finally landed in an ENT's office. He prescribed a mouth rinse consisting of a combination of cortisone, antibiotic, anti-fungal, and anti-histamine. Cleared the problem up in literally 2 days.
I suspect that the mouth/digestive tract irritation (bumps) are not related to anything else...they seem to get better/worse according to what I am eating although they never totally stoma bleeds every time that I intubate and has a lot of granulation all around it (time to burn those suckers off) and there is some bleeding from the inside but I have no gastro here and my GP is in no way capable of helping on this one...I will aim for a refferal with a Gastro and an endocrinologist if this stuff keeps up...for now, I have to leave town for work again and have piles of work to catch up on from the last trip (who would of thunk that once I got back to work I wouldn't have time to breath???? No complaints, at least I am working!)
I am sleeping ok, not totally depleated in energy and functionning so for now it is all going to have to wait another week...
Didn't get in to see him...been crazy busy...No, I have never been tested for Celiac but I do have tons of food alergies...just none that ever did this to week will see a doctor..don't know which...whoever has time to take me in...for now, off to another town to do some work and can't slow down or I will never get started again...I'll keep away from all bread and cheese (darn, this is France!)

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