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Hi all
HELP! I need some advice. I have posted a couple of times and have received great advice so here I am again. Last week was a great week with no butt burn, no itching and sleeping through the night. Then on the weekend, bamo, I got up Saturday morning to pain in the butt, literally. It feels like I am sitting on cut glass. When I walk it is so painful and after I have a BM it is so painful. Even putting water on my butt stings and hurts like crazy. It has been a week now with no relief. I have tried fucidin ointment, another prescription ointment for infections, cream for yeast infections, calmoseptine and A&D cream.i am taking baths with baking soda twice a day and have tried dettol in solution as well(it is an antibacketial wash). Nothing seems to work. I am at my wits end. I can't even take the dog for a walk because it is so uncomfortable. HELP! What else can I do. The only saving grace is that when i am sleeping or sitting still I am ok.
Thanks for any advice!
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Is this pain inside the anal canal? If so, classic signs of a fissure. Treatment is to do what you can to thicken the stool to be soft semi-formed and hot sitz baths. A topical anesthetic, like hemorrhoid cream, may help, but prescription lidocaine is probably better. If things don't begin to improve in a few days, you can get a prescription for nifedipine ointment that should help it heal (there also is nitroglycerine ointment, but it is not used much anymore because of the terrible headaches it can cause).

If it is outside the anal canal, then it's not a fissure, just anal irritation. For that, just use a good barrier cream. I always found simple zinc oxide to do the trick.

Jan Smiler
I think you are right in that it is anal irritation because it does not feel like it is inside the anal cannal. I know this is TMI but when I look in the mirror, the skin in cracked and marroon in colour and looks like it is raw, all around the opening and a little inside. That is not a fissure right?
I will continue to use the calmoseptine and hope that it helps.
Any idea why this occurs? It seems to come out of the blue.
Thanks for the help!
It is usually due to the caustic content of frequent, loose stools. You may want to clean with plain water instead of dry TP too. That can add insult to injury, plus it can leave stuff behind tat keeps the irritation going. When I get raw (rarely now), I mix an antifungal, an antibacterial, HC ointment, and a barrier, and use it after every single BM. Usually it clears up in a few days.

Jan Smiler

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