Hey Gang!
Well, after 2 years and three brutal surgeries I'm left with only 13 feet of small bowel and an end ileostomy. No rectum, no colon, no hope of ever getting my strength back, which is why I'm posting. Tomorrow I see Dr Cohen for my first post op follow up apt (I'm 10 weeks post op), and I'm going to have to decide if I should return to work, or stay on disability until I'm strong enough.
I'm getting pressured constantly by my evil insurance company, and by my employer, to return to work, claiming 10 weeks is more then enough recovery time. What they fail to remember is I had three major (the first two being absolutely brutal) surgeries in less the a 17 month period. The last time, last summer to be exact, I tried returning to work, I ended up even sicker because I returned to early, and I find myself in the same position again. I look perfectly healthy, which works against me, because some days, I have zero energy. It takes all I have just to shower. Last weekend I decided to clean the house, something I do all the time, but hadn't since my surgeries (that's when Freddy, my hubby, comes in handy!), after only a half hour I began getting chest pain (angina, oh yeah, that's a new one I forgot to mention) and I was stopped dead in my tracks. I had to stop and lay on the couch for over an hour.
How on earth am I supposed to return to work if I can't even clean my home for a half hour? It feels as though no matter what I eat, my body just isn't absorbing the nutrients. It seems to go from my mouth to my ileostomy in an hour, and most of my output is brown water, unless I stuff myself with mashed potatoes. It's worse in the morning. Seems all the fluid accumulates in my gut when I'm sleeping, when in get up, it all drains out within one hour. In that hour my bag fills, full, a minimum of three or four times, that's a lot of fluid to loose in an hour. I can never seem to keep fluid or food in me long enough to do any good.
My next move? I have no idea! I suspect if this doesn't improve I may end up on weekly TPN for life just to get enough nutrients to live. For the moment, I still have the luxury of hoping I'm still recovering, and it will improve as my body heals further, but if it doesn't then I'm left with no choice but to rely in TPN.
Now, with all that being said, tomorrow, I have to decide. Do I tell Dr Cohen I'm returning to work to stave off insane boredom, or, do I stay off work for another month or so to see if my body can actually sustain itself with no added help? If, in the end, I need TPN, do I retire very early and live on disability for life? It's only $2005 a month, not much to live on.....I'm so frustrated and confused, what would you do? Any and all comments and/or advice would be greatly appreciated, and if you've been in my situation, what did you do? Thanks, as always, for being there everyone,
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