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I apologize in advance if this is just a rant, but I'm so fed up with everything & idk what to do, or where else to go. I'm almost at my 2 year mark since my surgeries were finished (it'll be 2 years at the end of August) but I don't feel like anything's getting better. I almost wish I'd never had the surgery to begin with. I think that's just cuz I can't remember what it was like before the surgery, my mum insists I was worse off before the surgery, but idk if I believe her.
I still have so much pain, & I use the bathroom far more than I ever did pre-surgery.
If things keep going the way they're going now, idk how I'll ever live a "normal" life.. I'm only 21 years old & I can't imagine myself ever dating anyone, I can't go out to dinner, I can't sit thru a movie with out having to use the bathroom (if I'm lucky I mightt be able to) but I hate using public bathrooms - A) I have bad OCD so public bathrooms give me anxiety &B) I don't want to poop in a public bathroom where everyone can hear/smell my business. Plus, how do I let a potential boyfriend know about my situation? "hi, my names Kim & I poop allllll the time."
Ever since I was a little girl my dream was to grow up & be an elementary school teacher, but I feel like I can't even pursue that anymore, I wouldn't be able to get up in the middle of class to excuse myself to go to the bathroom. I couldn't run around & play with the kids as I'd want to (for some reason physical activity or sitting down & getting up a lot makes me have to use the bathroom)
All the doctors told me I'd feel "back to normal" after about 2 years.. I'm already almost there & I don't feel "normal" or good, or even OK at all.
I just feel so hopeless & scared....
I don't know what I'm looking for here.. I just need someone to talk to.. Anytime I try to talk to my mother about it she gets mad at me.. She tries to give me tips & advice, but she doesn't know anything about what's going on, so none of its helpful, & then if/when I don't take the advice she yells at me. She also thinks I'm faking a lot of the time & can't be bothered with me when I need to talk to her......
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Kim-sorry to hear you are having such a tough time..I haven't been connected yet so I can't offer personal advice on what to do but if you read through some of the forums on this site you may find answers..have you consulted with your GI or surgeon? Has your diet been evaluated? Are you taking bulking products like lomotil or Imodium? Fiber wafers? Hope you figure this're to young to give up your dream of becoming a seems that you may just need some tweaking..good luck
I feel like I've tried everything, I've discussed everything with my doctors & they basically just tell my to play around with my diet, it's all just "trial &error" .. I take Imodium like candy, they won't give me lomotil anymore cuz its classified as a narcotic..
It's like a vicious cycle, once I get sick, I get depressed, which makes me more sick..
Okay, lots of questions here:

What are you taking besides imodium? What is your diet like? Have you been scoped? If so, how is the condition of your pouch? Have you or do you have pouchitis or cuffitis?

One of the things that people have mentioned when a person has symptoms but it's not pouchitis or cuffitis is that it may be IPS - irritable pouch symdrome. That is treated with antidepressants. I can't remember exactly how that works but it seems to. Maybe you could ask your doctor about that.

Sue's right about the lomotil. If it works better for you than imodium you should be going to a doctor who doesn't have a problem prescribing it. Yes, it's a narcotic but not in the same way as any other narcotic that I know of. I mean, really, you don't get high from it and all it does is slow down the bowel. Who would ever take that drug if they didn't have to? Many, many people here take lomotil regularly and have absolutely no problems with it, even if they stop taking it cold turkey. BTW - imodium used to be only prescription and now that it's over-the-counter there doesn't seem to be 'imodium abuse' going on.

I'm so sorry you're continuing to have a rough time and I know this won't help all that much, but the pouch continues adjusting for years. I have a 22 year old pouch and I still notice changes. So hopefully your pouch is just like Einstein - a slow starter who turned out to be brilliant.

kathy Big Grin
Hi Kim,

I'm so sorry you're not doing well. I had my surgery 4 years ago this July. We have a bit in common. I'm also 21 AND I'm in school to be an elementary school teacher! I have done some fieldwork in the schools (a semester in preschool, kindergarten and 1st grade, and a semester in 4th grade and 6th grade). I have had issues where I HAD to go to the bathroom during class. Luckily, since I'm just a student, I was able to excuse myself. For me, imodium does work, so if I take that, I'm usually fine. I do have issues like you where sitting down and getting up a lot makes me have to go to the bathroom. I haven't quite figured out how to conquer that problem yet.
I too worry about dating and finding someone who understands that I need to use the bathroom all the time. Actually the only boyfriend I've had was last year, and he had met me 3 weeks after the first step to my surgery at a mutual friend's party. He was very understanding to my "issues," but he also saw me in the early stages of my surgery recovery. I too feel like it would be hard to explain to some guy who didn't know the really sick me, that even though I had surgery, I still get sick, and I use the bathroom all the time.
As for your movie comment, my friends have all come to terms that I need to go just before the previews start, and sit closest to the aisle in case I need to make a break for it. I personally have no problem with public bathrooms. Hey everybody poops!

I wish I had suggestions on what to do to help your problem. For the most part my pouch has been good to me (anything is better than the 1 1/2 years of flaring and medicines and pain). I did have a bout of pouchitis that took a while to get under control, and I'm currently fighting some form of pouchitis/cuffitis.

Like I said, I wish I had suggestions on how to make things better for you, but I don't. I just wanted to reply and let you know you're not alone. =)

I can relate to your problems as I am 17 months post take down and have had one problem after another. I've been treated for cuffitis since mid-January and I think I had it months before I went in for a scope.

I also had a C-diff infection at the same time. The test for this is to provide a stool sample. I had to go through 2 rounds of flagyl antibiotic to get rid of it and flagyl gives me nausea and other side effects. I was going 15 times a day and I still do go that often sometimes.

I'm a mother and I have a mother. My mother and I don't get along and I hope that is not your case. It is hard for them to see us and realize we are sick as we look ok on the outside. If we complain too much they think we are faking but if we don't complain they won't know how we feel. Also as a mother I know when my children tell me they are having a problem my first instinct is to try to help them "fix" the problem. It might be good if you told your mom that you don't expect her to fix you but to understand that you are not exaggerating and to just be supportive is what you need.

I'm diagnosed with IPS as well as cuffitis. I'm on anti-depressants as I have a whole host of other autoimmune problems, depression and anxiety. My thyroid medication is messed up and that affects a lot of things including more BMs. I also have pain from my scar tissue and adhesions.

I'm going on over 2 years of pain including my last UC flare from hell.

So to add to everyone else's good advice I suggest you get a flexable pouch scope along with biopsies of the pouch and cuff. Plus get tested for C-diff, your thyroid and vitamin D.

I'm not to the point of quitting the j-pouch yet as they say my pouch looks great - except for the cuff that has UC. I won't go on forever like this as you are right it's not too much better than UC. I was to the point I had to have it. I might have to go back to an ileostomy. I know several people in this and other support groups that have gone back to ileo's and are much happier now.

Post on here anytime you want to. We will give you advice as we empathize with your feelings.
Get another primary doc or ask your GI doc about a lomotil presription. Yes it is classified as a narcotic, but it is a schedule V narcotic, the lowest on the totem pole of controled drugs. It is not morphine. It is noteven codeine, so don't worry about it.

But, yes, you need to rule out causes for your poor function. Diet only goes so far.

Jan Smiler
Kathy: I don't take anything besides Imodium, I've taken the citrucel & those type supplements, but they make things "gooey" of that's a way to describe it.. I try to eat regularly, but I'm scared to eat cuz I associate food with being sick, so I'd just rather not eat (I know I have to, so I force myself to) I had a pouchoscopy done at the beginning of may, my surgeon said I had inflammation at the bottom of my pouch, like where it connects to my rectum, she gave me antibiotics (which I did a terrible job at taking regularly) & rectal suppositories (which I can't do cuz I have bad anxiety & I'm all set with things going in my rear after all the scopes & everything)
I'll bring up the lomotil with my doctor next time I see her, I didn't get why she wouldn't give me a script for them, like you said, it doesn't 'mess you up' & it's deff not a drug anyone would take for fun. lol
Thank you so much for your support tho, it means alot
BratCat: thank you so much for your help. It's so good to know there's other people out there my age dealing with this. I think that has a lot to do with how hard it is, being in the "prime of my life" & feeling like I'm missing out on all of it. I had a boyfriend of 3 years that broke up with me mid-surgeries cuz it was too much to handle. Plus the meds made me crazy.. But that makes me think that I'll never find someone who gets it & is understanding if I have to be late for something cuz I'm stuck in the bathroom, or if I have to cancel a date cuz I'm having a flare..
Tough enough: I think they've ordered the c-diff tests, but again with my anxiety it freaks me out having to give a stool sample, especially having to collect it myself. It was much easier when I was in the hospital & I'd just go in the 'hat' on the toilet & just leave it & the nurses would take care of the rest. The pouchoscopy I had done recently came back pretty good except for some inflammation at the bottom of my pouch where it connects to my rectum. She took some biopsies, but I never heard back about them.. I'm hoping no news is good news, but I should call & check incase they forgot about me or something.. Anything I say to my mother about my stomach hurting always ends up in an argue,ent, that it's my fault I'm not doing everything I could be. Or it turns into a competition (she thinks she understands & has it just as bad cuz she kinda/sorta has IBS) It's just so frustrating & heartbreaking that the one person you're always supposed to be ablgota go to for advice, to vent, to cry to; isn't there for me like I need her....
I've also heard of a lot of people going back to the illeostomy, but I don't think I could do that, I had so many issues with the bag.. Constant leaking, allergic type reactions & rashes to the appliances, etc..
Thank you Jan: I'll ask my GI doctor about it, I'm just worried my PCP is going to get mad at me for that cuz I promised her I'd only go thru her for my medication (back when I was on pain killers after the surgery & also for the anxiety medicine I'm on) but maybe I can have my GI doc talk to her about it... He knows more about it than her, so hopefully they can come up with a good plan to help me out
I'm sorry you are struggling so much. But you really must focus on getting yourself physically better. And in order to do that it seems like you may need some help getting emotionally better first. If you are having anxiety issues following drug and or test regimines which qualified doctors ordered, then maybe it is best that you focus on resolving those anxiety issues first. Find a primary care doctor that you like and trust and speak to him/her about your anxiety. I know its your "butt" and personal.. BUT you really have to be able to follow a doctor's regimene. Sounds like you had and/or have pouchitis and/or cuffitis. Your surgeon prescribed medications to resolve this issues. If these issues were resolved you probably would be feeling a whole lot better. But your anxiety is preventing you from adhering to your surgeons recommendations. Please find a doc you can talk to about your anxiety so that you can get it resolved, then you can follow all the testing, antiobiotiecs, rectal meds that are prescribed, and then you will start to get well.
I don't think your PCP is going to be the 'doctor' to help you find solutions to your problems. You really need to see either a good
GI or your surgeon. Generally, PCPs don't know much about this surgery or life post surgery, that's the experience of many of us on this board. My PCP also had problems writing me a script for 3 lomotil per day. It made her nervous. If she wouldn't have done it I would have been out of her office in a minute and would have gone to see my old GI. The fact is, imodium doesn't work for me but lomotil does and that's what I need to be more comfortable.

Please focus on you and taking steps to get your problems addressed and don't worry about what your PCP thinks.

You might want to PM DJ Husky. He lives in Connecticut and could probably recommend good doctors for you.

Sue Big Grin
Well, as you probably know if you're not taking the antibiotics regularly you might make things worse. It could be that you have cuffitis hence the suppositories. If you can't do suppositories, ask your doctor for some other form of the medication.

I know that having OCD is making things more difficult for you but you might have to have a stern talking to yourself and try to make you understand that if you want a better quality of life you're going to have to get serious about the medications that are prescribed. Wouldn't it be wonderful if those two meds cleared everything up and you could start living the life you'd like to live? (I know it's definitely not as easy as pie to make yourself do things and I'm so sorry that you have multiple issues to deal with.)

Regarding fiber - you might want to try some of the ones you haven't tried. They all work a little differently. For me, Metamucil wafers work best. You could start with just a bit of one wafer to see if that makes things better.

Regarding that no-eating thing. That can actually make things worse by creating bile with nothing to attach itself to which then burns like hell on exiting. So even if it's just soda crackers or rice or potatoes or bagels, try eating something bulking to keep things moving along.

Are you taking probiotics? They could help to. But if you're also still taking antibiotics, space the probiotics out between taking the antibiotics so they don't cancel each other out.

kathy Big Grin

I have bad anxiety too and am more OCD than most people. My hands constantly look shriveled up because I wash them so many times a day. I go up to 15 times a day and then I have to wash them after I pet my cat, before I make anything to eat in the kitchen, you get the idea. I'm constantly putting on lotion.

I understand your apprehension about using the suppositories. It sounds like you have cuffitis in your rectal cuff. That's the area at the bottom of your pouch that is attached to 1-2 cm of your rectum they left in when they did your surgery. This was done to keep you from being incontinent. So they removed 5 feet of intestines/rectum/appendix and all but left in the 1-2 cm to attach the j-pouch too. Cuffitis IS ulcerative colitis, they call it cuffitis or inflammation at the bottom of the pouch but it's the UC we thought we were to be cured from and it upsets me to no end.

It's the same disease we could not get into remission and the reason why our colons were removed! In order to get it to clear up or go into remission you are going to have to use suppositories as they deliver the medication directly where it needs to be. I know this is gross but I have a few suggestions.... Get some laytex or whatever gloves the medical professionals wear and use a clean one each night to insert the suppository. You only need to push it up between 1-2 inches, if that at all. You can also put some lubricating jelly on the tip of the suppository so it won't hurt much going in. If you have pain medication, take it at least 30 minutes before inserting the suppository. It might not hurt to have your anxiety medication too, until you get use to doing it. Another idea is to use a tampon like thing to place the suppository on so hopefully you won't need the glove but you can wear a glove. You can get little inserting tubes if you get a yeast OTC medication where there are 7 applicators to use one for each day. I have not tried this one but I was going to if I had a problem with the gloved/KY lubricant way. I tried vasoline first but found out that was wrong as I was coating the area with vasoline that I was trying to medicate.

You should call your GI or her nurse to find out what the results of they biopsies were, just to make sure you do have cuffitis/inflammation. If you don't then no suppository problem. I'm thinking since you didn't hear that you do and she is assuming you are using the medication.

As far as the stool sample maybe she took a sample during you scope like my GI did and therefore I didn't have to gather it. I recently had to be retested and they gave me a plastic container, almost like a cool whip container, and it hooked into a gizmo which made it a hat. Then afterwards I had to take the container off - real easy - and put the lid on which was really easy. If you do a test this way you don't have to put the poo in those little bottles with chemicals in it. I gagged doing that years ago when I had UC, So if you need to do that test see if they can have you do it at the hospital lab like I did.

I have been using suppositories since January and it does get easier the more experience I have.

My GI referred me to the Mayo Clinic as he did not know what else to do and told my husband and me so. I went back to see a doctor he referred me to in 1998 and they redid the tests. That's where I got to do the hat like poo test. He also found out my thyroid medication is all messed up too. I'm assuming they are testing your thyroid. My internist has been decreasing my dose the last 17 months and I've gone from 175 to 112 in dosage and will probably go lower. That messes a lot of things up too and he said can make me have more BM's.

My Internist does take care of all of my meds except the GI specific ones and she understands the pain I'm in plus I found out at Mayo that I have IPS, the same thing as IBS except I have irritable pouch syndrome. I had IBS and IBD before the surgeries so that explains part of my other pain. I'm telling you this as you might want to tell your mother that it's possible you have IPS and she should be able to relate - hopefully better. You might want to google it and see if the description sounds like part of what you are dealing with.

I also hope that you are seeing a therapist. It is hard for me to just get to see mine as I don't want to leave the house or drive a car unless my husband takes me. I was not like this before the surgeries and complications all mixed with my prior stressful and trauma's and boom I've been diagnosed with PTSD.

When I use fiber I take the caplets that are like clear pills filled with psylum as I can't stand the texture of mixing it with water or juice.

As far as eating I eat very little during the day but make myself have something with my VSL#3DS probiotics such as a protein smoothie or yogurt. Sometimes applesauce. The protein smoothie provides 42% of the daily required protein and is hypoallergenic. No gluten, lactose, nuts soy or any foods that cause allergies plus it is all plant based. I don't think I have food allergies but this is healthy and it's liquid like so it keeps my pain from starting in the morning. We need protein to build up our cells. I eat protein, the size of a deck of cards, at least, each night and pasta, rice or potatoes. I try to drink V-8 juice as can only tolerate a few different kinds of vegetables. I also eat a half to a whole banana a day. I eat crackers before taking medications.

I'm trying to help you see that this is doable and you are not alone.

I know I've rambled on and on but I can relate to your fears and anxiety. Mine aren't as bad as yours as I'm old enough to be your mother and have raised 2 children. You get use to a lot of gross things when raising a family.

We are all concerned about you and especially since you are so young. This is the worst thing that has ever happened to most of us and you are so young to have to deal with it.

Using a suppository is so much easier than taking care of an ileostomy and I never want to go through that again! Confused
At some point you will get through this and learn to adapt to your pouch. It's just a matter of time and figuring out what all works best for you.As far as dating and finding someone, don't ever feel like this is what defines you! it most definitely does not! You are who you are on the inside in your heart! The UC and the pouch is just something that we unfortunately have to deal with. The fact is, nobody is perfect and I mean everyone has problems that they deal with. Yes there are shallow people out there, but anyone who would not love you because of your pouch is not someone you would want to be with even if you never had the pouch or UC. Any descent man would never turn there back on you because of your pouch! Don't ever forget that! Try and stay busy. Live your life! Don't ever let this stop you from exploring your dreams. Be a school teacher! You can do it! You will figure this out! Much love to you!
Thank you all so much! I truly appreciate it more than I could describe. I'm definitely going to call my GI doctor first thing in the morning & set up an appt to see him ASAP. I thought my PCP could cover all my medications & treatments now after the surgery, I remember when I saw my GI 6 months-ish after surgery he said I basically don't have to see him anymore cuz I "technically don't have UC anymore" (that didn't make anyy sense to me, cuz even if I don't have "UC" I still have gastro problems...)
I've been trying to find therapists & shrinks to help me with me anxiety & OCD but it's ridiculously hard to find one in our insurance group.. I don't think I'll ever be able to get over my anxiety with the suppositories tho.. I've had to have 2 enemas in the past (I know suppositories aren't as bad as that) but they had to legit knock me out, put me under to do it, cuz I'd panic so badly. Even just the simple thought or idea of it I start to hyperventilate, cry & go into a full panic attack.. I think I'll talk to my doctors & hope to just try the regular oral antibiotics again & do them right this time (plus last time I didn't read the bottle & was taking 1/day when the bottle said to take 2/day...) Confused
Good plan Kimberlymarie,

It's hard for people that don't have anxiety, like you and I do, to understand how it feels and it is not as easy as talking yourself into something. You are doing the right thing by getting a hold of your GI. Mine does a less painful pouch scope than my surgeon.

Has anyone done anything to help you with your anxiety? It sounds like your GP is scared to write any prescriptions, maybe you need to find another GP as well. A therapist helps a lot too. Please let us know how you are doing.
I have klonopin for my anxiety, but it doesn't seem to do all that much (& it's a decently high dose)I get that from my PCP, she made me promise a while back when she was weening me off my pain meds that I wouldn't get meds from any other doctors (I think she thought I was just interested in the pain killers, which wasn't & still isn't the case at all) I've tried looking for a new doc but there's barely any accepting new patients (& very hard for me to find one I get along with)
Hey Kim, sorry to hear you're having a rough time. It does get better, slowly but surely it does. That sucks that you have to deal with the depression/anxiety on top of everything, since those probably trigger more negative symptoms in your situation. It's not easy to stay positive when you're this down in the dumps, but remember your state of mind directly relates to your condition.

As far as trying to eat and take your meds correctly, that can be the difference between staying the same or actually seeing improvements, which would lead you to keep doing what works to make you feel good.
I try to stay positive, but it's so hard when I'm finally feeling better, then out of nowhere I get a flare up. Plus its so frustrating to not be able to do things with my friends, going out to dinner, going on hikes, etc...
I deffinitely need to start eating better, I think that's a big part of my problem, besides skipping meals, I can't cook (I still live at home) but my mother also can't cook, so I end up eating frozen processed food, which I'm such can't be good for my stomach...
I was right where you are now for the last 6 months. I live with my gf, and my diet had wayyy to much sugar in it. I would always be in pain, my pouch would ache if anything went inside it, gas included. I would get a horrible pressure pain that would go from my pouch all through my lower back, like right under and up my tailbone. I forgot what is was like to feel good. I wasn't myself, and I had a very hard time telling myself I'll get through it. At the end all I could do is vomit up bile all day, it was time to fix it.

I got hospitalized last week, got sent to my awesome GI. Got CT scans, blood work, said my UC might actually be Crohn's. I'm on prednisone and antibiotics and haven't felt this good in years. I've only been out of the hospital since last friday, and have already gained some weight back. I'm 5' 11" and was down to 117lbs last week, literally skin and bones. Now I weigh 129lbs, and only going up!

It totally changed my outlook now that I know what I'm missing when I'm sick. I quit smoking, haven't looked back and it's been almost two weeks now. Not drinking soda or sugary drinks anymore, all I rock now is like 8 glasses of water throughout the day, soy milk, and an occasional ensure to help with the initial weight increase. I don't drink alcohol, caffeine, or coffee. I'm on antibiotics now but that's good, to calm my pouch down. I'm going to try a probiotic treatment for the first time after these antibiotics are over. I've had my j pouch for over 6 years now, and I haven't really done my best to keep it healthy. I'm 25 now and refuse to keep living a sub quality of life, knowing full well what I'm capable of if I take my health into my own hands. I feel like a new person, and I'm gunna fight to keep that feeling, and make it stronger.

Try cutting out the crap foods, the best you can. That alone should help. It sucks not being able to do stuff with your friends cause of how you feel, especially that summer is here. Use it as motivation, knowing if you try your best to improve your diet, then you might be taking part in a lot more activities then you think this summer!
Kimberly, please see a GI about Lomotil. A general doctor isn't a specialist in this condition, and sometimes the narcotic aspect is far outweighed by the benefit to the patient. This wouldn't be like an addiction to Vicodin. You've got a condition you'll live with the rest of your life, and Lomotil could make life bearable.

I suspect a part of what can make things harder is depression that can be common after going through something traumatic. I was 14, and it was traumatic then, and only sheer stubbornness got me through. When I was about your age, it was hard because I had the same concerns. In fact, I stayed in an abusive relationship thinking no one else would want me. Being convinced that things won't get better can create a self-fulfilling prophecy. You don't think you'll get better, so your body won't feel better. You expect pain, so you feel pain. The brain's own power of suggestion is amazing. Truly, those who expect pain feel more pain than those who don't expect any. (I had a natural, at-home childbirth and expected a pain-free labor, and only two contractions hurt. I think my expectation that I could hand it and not feel a lot of pain, if any, helped.)

I think it could help too to find a local support person you can call and visit with. Online support is great, but sometimes it helps even more to have someone you can hang out with who can encourage you too.

At the very least, get rid of any doctor who wants you to promise to not go through even specialists to get medication for a condition that is outside her scope of medicine. That is controlling of your doctor, and an abuse of her position.
Hi Kimberly,

I've been taking baby steps trying to get to feeling better. I have a good suggestion for you. I've been making fruit smoothies almost daily with a hypoallergenic plant protein powdered mix that furnishes 42% of the daily protein requirement, plus other great nutrients. They taste too good to be nutritious. Big Grin

All you need is a blender, the powder, some frozen fruit, bananas, ice etc. Whatever combination you want. I make a lot of blueberry banana ones. A good nutritionist recommended the PlantFusion brand. I use vanilla flavored for most and make a great peanut butter/banana one with the chocolate flavor.

It's easier to change one thing at a time and see how it affects you than changing everything at once. I really hope you are feeling better. Cool

Please let me know if you want to try this out and I'll tell you where to buy the PlantFusion and give you some sample recipes. They are easy to make. There are other protein powders, you don't need to use the one I suggest.

I hope you have an appointment with your GI or another doctor soon. I understand why your GP made you promise to get your prescriptions from her, It appears as she doesn't have much experience with patients that have j-pouches that are having problems.

I can't remember if you tried Imodium yet or not. Confused It is an over the counter medication that works for me.

Take care and please let us know how you are doing. We are all wishing the best for you. Cool

I was diagnosed with UC for 14 years and it took years before that to get the diagnosis before my surgeries. My final flare from hell started March 2010 and my first surgery was 11/2/10 and 2nd 12/29/10. I've had all kinds of problems too. The diseases are rare and complications after the surgeries are rare but we can handle them and the anxiety too.

It's been a long painful road and I have not gone through all of this to give up now.
I am happy to hear you are trying to find a GI doctor that will work for you.
In the interim you should focus on your eating habits. You are correct, eating processed foods and skipping meals can have a very negative impact on your health. It is not that difficult to learn to cook and eat basic healthy things. Go buy a book. See if you can meet with a nutritionist, go to a cooking class at your local grocery store. You can start with simple steps like reading sugar content on the box of cereal you are eating in the morning. And go to the grocery store and select one with lower sugar content.
Smoothies can be made so easily. Fresh strawberries which are in season now, fresh banana, stoneyfield farm low fat yogurt, honey, and ground flaxseed. Buy a hand immersion blender and voila. 5 minutes to make something totally healthy. You can cook a piece of plain white chicken breast in less than 30 minutes on the stove top. Just add a little olive oil and some fresh herbs and you are done. For snacks check out things like luna bars, and pretzels with fresh hummus (you can just buy that in the store) You don't have to be a master chef and spend the day in the kitchen to eat healthy. Is this something you think you could team up with your mother on? Going to farm markets, learning to eat healthier? If not, go solo, you can do it.

I just had my 6th massive surgery in march which was accompanied by numerous serious complications, additional abscess surgeries, and a month long hospital stay. Just yesterday my doctor reviewed new test results and told me they are shocked at how good my blood results are this soon after such a serious suregery and complications I had. They were asking what I have been doing to recover since I've been home. I am convinced my good results are almost solely attributed to my focus on eating properly during my recovery.
PM me if you want some more food ideas.
Last edited by liz11
Thank you for the tips!
Subsky: I've already been cutting out sugary foods for a while now, I haven't had any soda or caffeine since I got diagnosed with UC, I also water down juice drinks, even Gatorade. I also get horrible gas pain (or what I think is gas pain, but it's higher up, like under my ribcage, I take gas-x for that, it works alright, but obviously not as great as I'd wish? I think I'll give the probiotics a shot again, I was on VSL#3 when I had the UC, so hopefully that'll help me again now.
Aria: I try my best to stay in a good mind set, but it's so hard when I don't feel good & am in the bathroom 20x a day, & I get calls from friends to hang out & I have to say no (I'm only 21 & it's gotten to the point my friends have just stopped inviting me out figuring I'll just say no.) I really do try my best to be positive, but it's so hard when I have depression to begin with.. It's much easier said than done to try to stay in a good mood about it all..
Toughenough: I do take Imodium, & it does help, but sometimes I take too much & end up constipated, which makes things worse, cuz I'm not going to dare try to take a laxative to reverse that.. Those smoothies sound like a great idea, but fruits still tend to upset my stomach, I think bananas are about all it can handle, & only in small amounts cuz they're binding.. I think I might have to get my body used to fruits again, I hadn't eaten any since about 2006.
Liz11: I monitor the sugar content on most things I eat & as for learning to cook, I'm moving in with my dad soon (by the end of the month) & he's an amazing chef, so I. Going to have him teach me to cook (plus when he's here he can cook for me too :P)
Thank you all again for your tips & your concern, it means more to me than I could describe!
That's great theta you're moving in with your dad who can show you how to cook! Like you said, then you can also enjoy his cooking when he's home. I never went very hard with making food, now I'm making chicken curry with rice for me and my gf, pasta, you're gunna be so stoked once you can cook well for yourself.

Don't worry, your friends aren't forgetting about you. I know the exact feeling of when you say no so many times they usually don't even bother asking. They think they're being polite but you probably feel like they don't care, but they do! Never hurts to open up to one or two of your best friends and tell them everything you're going through, you need to vent and your bff's are there for that. My friends always play a positive role in my recovery and I know it's helped me stay positive.
I can't handle fruits either but I can when they are pureed in the blender in the smoothie. You can freeze bananas. Peel them and break in half and freeze each banana in a separate plastic wrap or whatever. Use half and freeze the other, etc. It is better to eat bananas than take Imodium plus they have potassium which we need. So you can eat just half a one.

I use binding foods to keep me from taking Imodium like bananas, pasta, potatoes and rice.

I use NUUN brand tablets that you place in water to make my electrolyte replacement drinks and I like them better than Gatorade. Not all of that coloring and hauling plastic bottles from the grocery store. Have you ever tried something like that or powder mixes?

I know we are all different and need to figure out what food/fiber/Imodium mix is best for ourselves and that changes from time to time too. I only take one Imodium at bedtime so I don't have to get up so often during the night and so I can get better length of Canasa time. I know suppositories are a problem for you.

Every once in a while I go down to simple soft foods, like soups and smoothies and then add back heavier foods gradually to see what happens. I'm glad your dad is a good cook!

I'm old enough to be your mother and know how this has affected my social life and friends. Especially at your age it has to be depressing not to be out having fun with your friends. I tell the ones that still call to keep asking me and maybe some day I'll feel up to a lunch or mani-pedies etc. Maybe after you move in with your dad you can invite a few friends over for dinner and a movie or to play cards or just talk. Hopefully eventually you will feel comfortable and able to go to a friends house and their restroom. For our son's wedding last year I took 3 Imodium and only had to visit the facilities once the entire night. Of course the next day I was stopped up but it was worth it.

Hang in there, you will figure this all out with the help of your doctors.
Thank you both? I've never relly talked to my friends about it, mainly cuz one of my best friends is one of the types that's always gota have a story to top yours.. & it's just embarrassing for someone who doesn't understand the symptoms I get..
I haven't tried blended up frozen fruits, I was always scared the seeds from strawberries (since they still kinda stay whole when you blend them) or the skins on blueberries would still bother me. I'll definitely try a banana one tho, that sounds much better than living off imodium...
Throw in some peanut butter with the banana, yum. The strawberry seeds come through ok and do not hurt like when we had our colons. Also the blueberry skins come through as little bits if not blended enough and they don't hurt, just looks a little weird in my poo. If you get really daring put a little frozen fruit in with your banana to see how it feels. I was scared too but I felt so bad I thought it couldn't hurt worse so I threw caution to the wind!
I`ve been out of the hospital for 6 days now and the only fruit I`ve had are bananas, lol. Only fruit that doesn`t make me go to the bathroom more often, plus the potassium is much welcomed with sans colon.

And yeah, the personality of the friend you talk to it about has to be understanding. Don`t tell someone who cares more about themselves or you think will go around telling everyone. I have like 2-3 close friends I tell everything too, and vice versa. Being able to get everything off your chest, especially the embarrassing stuff, really takes a huge weight off your shoulders, and helps your state of mind instantly. With the added bonus of your friends now knowing just what your going through mentally, not just that you have to go to the bathroom a lot. They should be even more supportive now, and you`ll both feel good about it Smiler
oops, my first post back was supposed to be "thank you both!" not a "?" lol
&toughenough: that makes sense, I don't think I could feel all that much worse, so I might as well give the smoothies a shot! I feel like my body is lacking potassium, I keep getting feet & leg cramps (which people tell me is a sign of low potassium) I'll just make sure to blend everything REALLY well! I was just scared of the strawberry seeds just cuz I'm so used to how they'd rip me apart when I still had my colon & the UC.
Subsky: luckily I do have one best friend who I can talk to about all this, she's so understanding & nice about it. She'll even sit home with me while everyone else goes to a party, just cuz I wasn't feeling up to it. She's a new mother to a two year old, so I think that has a lot to do with it.. Idk if that makes sense, but she's got new maternal instincts & knows how to be caring & supportive.
Leg cramps can be from dehydration too. I have fibromyalgia too so don't always know what's causing what pain. My feet are really bad and have been tested for everything - even an MRI. I had the foot pain for years before the surgeries.

Sorry for the ramble, the point is once we have one autoimmune disease others may follow. You are young so hopefully you are ok. Just pay attention for other symptoms. We tend to think everything is caused by our pouches. While they may be but may be caused by another autoimmune disease or problem.

Please let me know how your smoothie experiment goes. I put the frozen fruit in first pour in a bit of water or coconut water and really puree them up before adding the other ingredients.
Hi Kim. Try immodium. It has helped me a lot. I take anywhere form 4 to 6-7 pills per day. I hate it, but it helps tremendously. Also, I found that I can buy them at BJ's Warehouse for about 25% of the price at common drug stores or groceries.

As for your dreams and lifestyle. I wish I could hug you. I know its hard. Here is what I suggest. You can't control other people but you can do what you can. Get yourself into as good of health and shape as you can. Just exercise and eat right and buy yourself some clothes that make you feel attractive. Life is still a miracle...even with all our unique troubles. Then be honest with people. Your friends will love you. Guys will still find you desirable. The right one will come along and accept you. I sometimes wonder what I would do if I were single. Well...I think I might actually look for love right here, on or through a local network of people who have or understand this problem we have. I tell you though...if my wife also had colitis, we'd be fighting over the toilet. lol
Toughenough: I always try to be aware of any new weird symptoms cuz I don't want anything else to go wrong with me lol I'll get the supplies to make smoothies next times go to the store & let you know how it goes, I can't wait to try it! I miss fruits!!
NC Nils: I do ake Imodium, probably about the same amount as you & I also get them at BJs much cheaper than from Walmart or a pharmacy. & Thank you so much for all our support, it gives me hope I'm not going to be alone & "weird" for the rest of my life. It means so much.

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