Oh, I am sure there is profit to be made, as there is a great expense in preparing the transplant. I would suspect that over time they will grow the perfect fecal microbiotica in the lab, removing the need for continuous donors. They then can market it in pill or capsule form, or even enema or suppository form.
But, the jury is out on whether it will be useful for IBD without C. diff infections. This is because they are unsure of the role of bacteria in the inflammation cascade. The current thought is that there is an inflammatory response to the bacteria itself (same as pouchitis), so it is not known if specific bacteria strains are the problem, or if it is simply the autoimmune disorder. This is also why there are inconsistent and conflicting results with probiotics and IBD treatment. IBD is a collection of some of the most complex diseases out there. But, they keep looking.