So, I'm kind of worried. I have some sore spots in my pelvis under the rib cage and the in the lower right of the pouch and although it is better, some continuing difficulty with trapped gas compromising the emptying of my bowel. I was just at Mayo and dxed with ileitis, pouchitis, and a fistula which they sealed off and clipped. I finished a 14 day course of cipro and flagyl which was a hard run with nausea, headaches, fatigue and a general feeling of horribleness. Now I am off the meds and in the wait and see interval before another scope in August to see how the inflammation is doing and if the fistula has dried up and gone dormant. I want to be hopeful but find myself slipping into worries about the possibility of Crohns. Jan advised, and I agree, that it is too soon to face that concern as the two biopsies showed no evidence of granuloma so I am glad for that and glad that my doc did not dx Crohns just noted the indicators that are present. It is just hard to practice the "day at a time stuff" and the "be in the moment" stuff without a freak out about the future. Just thought I'd write this down in a post as I am aware that many of you, if not most, have endured long stretches of uncertainty, pain, and helplessness which are psychologically a big challenge. I am drawing some strength from all of you today in my own personal struggle with fear.
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