I have FAP and received 2 step jpouch surgery over the span of a year and a half. I’m 27, partner is 26
I have struggled since adolescence with baby fever. After diagnosis, me and my long term partner concluded that having children was not worth the risk of passing down with terrible disease and we have been very careful. My surgeon told me there is a risk of infertility post surgery. We have been pretty careful in preventive measures
partner is against IVF but not against having children if I decide I want to have them. I don’t want to do IVF either. The 50/50 chances just scare the shit out of me. A lot of my cousins with FAP have had children with seemingly no issues, though their children haven’t all been tested yet.
Im so torn up. I don’t know if it’s just my hormones telling me I want to have children out of fear I will regret it?
has anyone conceived naturally? Or only with IVF? Did your jpouch cause any complications?
c section of vaginal birth?
Please share your experiences and spare no detail if you feel comfortable