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Which is better than exercising without a bag on I suppose! 

Seriously, though. I'm still on a daily change system (don't know when I'll be able to switch to a 2- or 3-day system) and cannot shower with the bag on. Well, I can, but then it falls off! I try to arrange my schedule to exercise first thing in the morning so I can then shower & change the bag, but some days it just doesn't work out and I have to exercise later. Then I'm stuck with a sweaty, sticky, yucky bag.

I'm okay with sponging off and washing my hair (if necessary) bending over, but does anyone have any advice about the bag? How to dry it effectively and maybe keep the sweat smell at bay?

And I don't know if I'm just being over-sensitive, but I am also hyper vigilant after doing this; I feel like the bag is more "slippy" somehow. Probably isn't, and I haven't had any problems the few times I've exercised much later, but I still can't relax.

Now that I've worked my way up to regular gym visits and a good exercise routine, I don't want to start skipping days just because I can't do it first thing in the morning!



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Try using the ConvaTec Esteem Synergy two piece appliance.

I used this appliance for many years and despite activities, it never leaked once.

The self adhesive base of the Convatec appliance is mouldable and sticks to the skin around the Stoma and will remain stuck for days on end, although designed to be changed every 3 -4 days.

The bag is also self adhesive and sticks on to the base, which are easy to pat dry when wet.

I wore this applance even when swimming in the sea, when showering or bathing and the base has remained stuck firmly to my abdomen and can easily be patted dry or dried with a hair dryer.

Comfizz unisex high waist Stoma suport boxer shorts, which are similar to cycling shorts, will keep the bag flat, close to the skin and stop it from moving around.

About 45 mins prior to activity, to slow down Stoma output, take an extra loperamide tablet, maybe two and add Morform solidifying sachets to the bag.

Last edited by Former Member

I don't exercise.  Really I don't.  I  don't think I ever will.   But the shower thing bugs me too.  Changing the bag is no big deal but I leave the wafer on for four days.  Could leave it on longer but sweat gets to it and makes it stiff when it dries.  As does showering with it.  If it gets wet.  

I live in Texas and work outside.  But I have been fortunate all my life not to have body odor.  Serious. 

My wife has always said I was lucky.  I can work eight hour.  Sweat.  And not stink.  So I just bathe the obvious after work and skip he shower until I change my appliance.  I don't necessarily like it but it works.  I miss my nightly showers.  

Now if I sweat heavily like after cutting the grass I notice it causes rash under my wafer but that is easily solved by a change.  But boy is that rash annoying.  I guess is the salts getting stuck under it even after drying. 

7 months and I still haven't figured out the showering.  I have tried cling wrap and Hytape.  That is the best so far.  I don't want to get any part of it wet. 

As for exercising with it.  Back to that.  At work I move in every position.  Stopping.  Bending it in half.  Everything.  I cannot see why you couldn't exercise with it on.   Just have to be careful when doing anything.  After all it is a surgically created hernia.  And it can be prolapsed.  How often that happens... I don't know.  But I have felt weird tweaks there when doing some heavy pulling or pushing.  I do not want more problems.  

You change you your whole system everyday?   How in the heck do you get the wafer off?  I had to take one off the same day and it was stuck like superglue!  I thought my skin was going to tear.  It took fifteen minutes to get it off.  I can't change every day.  On day four it peels off pretty easy.  I could go longer but just feel it needs to be changed.  


Last edited by Mysticobra

Gin: CLING WRAP. When you shower, rip off a piece that covers your appliance, use tape across the top for extra protection. It really is very clingy to my skin and keeps my appliance 90% dry. There is a Coloplast bag called the Mio that has a waterproof cover that pulls away so you can see your stoma and the contents of your bag when you need to. You may want to try it to see if it feels different against your skin. There were some things about it I didn't like so I stopped using it but it may work for you. I'm sorry that you have to change so often. Has any professional given you a reason why? 

strange posted:


Do you not use Appeel aerosol adhesive remover or Appeel adhesive remover wipes ?

I really don't need the remover after four days but I do have some in a tiny aerosol can.  I do use it occasionally. 

I am having some wipes samples sent to me right now. 

Usually after four days it comes right off no problems. 


No, no real reason why. I think it is more that the system I have is working just fine, so no one is bothering to change it. I do have a very deep portion of old scar which I have to fill in with wax AND use a convex wafer AND a belt, so maybe that is why?

No problems changing; the wafer pulls a bit when being removed, but I'm not having any skin problems. I'd like to switch to one that lasts more than one day just because I'm tired of doing it every day! I'll check into it more when I get a chance; right now life is simply too busy for me to make the trip to the best stoma clinic to which I have access.

Loving the exercise -- first time I've been able to be this physically active in a very, VERY long time. Love my stoma! Love having my life back.


I've used all brands of appliance during my time with a stoma and the only brand that has provided security and confidence are appliances by ConvaTec.

I woukdn't be able to remove the ConvaTec self adhesive wafer/base without the use of an adhesive remover.

For years I've had tremendous success using the ConvaTec Esteem Synergy two piece appliance.

I've never had any need to protect my Stoma or the appliance during showering or bathing.

I've swam in a pool, the sea, sat in a bath and also showered and the wafer has never come away from my skin or leaked; after such exploits, it may of required changing or looked shabby sooner than later, but the risk of leaking or coming away was never a concern.

The ConvaTec wafer/base I used was also convex, which I used with a Salts Stoma collar; the collar was applied over the Stoma before applying the wafer, and all performed with great success.

Last edited by Former Member

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