hello, I had my takedown surgery on my 18th birthday in 2005. Since then i have come to terms with the removal of my colon and have moved on with my life. The only problem is, one of the side effects of either the surgery, medication related to ulcerative colitis, or ptsd from the trauma... after years of personal research and with little help of doctors who don't really seem to be interested, or simply cannot help, i have self diagnosed the condition as one of two conditions; overactive sympathetic nervous system disorder or simply a non existing para-sympathetic nervous system.
-basically my fight or flight response is either activated way too quickly or simply has no breaking system
- extreme hyperhidrosis: any instance that my body feels the need to sweat, it pours an almost inconceivable amount of sweat from my entire body. ( awkward social setting, important event, warm, not even hot air temperature, moderate exercise, or even simply bringing in groceries
- i get incredibly anxious and worry about ridiculous things and dwell on them for hours
- i think people are mad at me or dislike me over simple comments at times
attempted treatments:
- been to a large variety of doctors with zero results; sports medicine,neurologist, g.i.,eastern medicine, neuro-psychologist, and maybe a few more
-breathing techniques have helped slow me down quite a bit but only once i get out of the situation and have time to relax
- read books on buddhism, taoism, etc to help keep me in a clam mental state
- took countless medications with reduced sweating or dryness as a side effect ( even scopolomine patches used for motion sickness, which i am pretty sure turned me into a zombie for about two weeks, apparently i went to work and just seemed a bit off, hung out with friends, etc, but have no idea what i even did those two weeks.)
- went to mayoclinic, and cleveland clinic for hyperhidrosis but chickened out at cleveland, and actually got pulled of the operating table right before surgery at mayo because my insurance wouldn't pay for the nerve block( loooking back on it i don't think that would of been a good idea
- took a over the counterish kind of substance called phenibut developed by the Russians to keep astronauts from going insane during long periods of isolation( completely relieved my of all symptoms for about two days, but apparently it has a very fast tolerance build up and after two days, well long story short, you go through a withdrawal period of about 4 days where, lets just say, things get extremely dark and you are easily spooked.)
- found a similar compound to phenibut that is less strong and the tolerance isn't as great in the muscle relaxer baclofen that helped a bit but not enough to put a dent in the issue.
- was put on medication for parkinsons's disease as well as a few other neuro related medications that didn't have such pleasant side effects either.
- recently a combination of vitamins i found with my own research have helped the most, but only for everyday, common, instances.( not for the life i want for myself.)including sublingual b-12 since my colonless body cant absorb the fat soluble derivative, magnesium, calcium, potassium, d3(sublingual), fish oil, co-q10, iron, and vitamin e.
I am at a dead end and if anyone on here can point me in some sort of direction, has experienced the same symptoms, or has any input at all, i would appreciate it. i have always took extremely good care of my body and still do today with diet and exercise. My grades suffered horribly from the sickness and surgery so i couldn't go to college, but i make a good living as a union roofer( not the best job for someone not tolerable to heat) as well as a fairly successful professional mixed martial arts fighter
please help me
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