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I am new, and have had the Kpouch for nearly 26 years. Lately I have been experiencing severe gas with nothing OTC helping to relieve it. I've had pouchitis several times, and do know that this isn't what I am experiencing. Any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time.
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Gas can be both food related and bacteria related.
I would cut down the sugar and any processed food that feeds the nasty bacteria to see if that helps and then up the probiotics (if you are already taking them...if not, start taking them).
They seem to help me a lot no matter what I eat.
I do not take expensive or fancy ones...I stick to the Costco or Walmart generic brands. Somehow they have helped me to get through the day without too much urgency or need to empty too often.
Its worth the try
I agree with Sharon.

Over the years, you may have become sensitive to something, like dairy, wheat, yeast(beer, wine, etc.), sugar-free sweeteners, sugar, sodas. Make sure you aren't swallowing air when you eat, don't drink through a straw, smoking causes gas from swallowing air. Things like that, I know my system has changed over the years to food. Also, be careful for gas producing foods like cauliflower, broccoli, eggs, ice cream, green peppers, soda, baked beans and lentils, etc..

Food diary time....or you might have a bacterial need yogurt and probiotics for that. I use Turmeric for an anti-inflammatory myself, if that's a problem. Good luck!

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