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I also have a fistula & am heading to Cleveland on Sat for an appt with Dr. Remzi on Monday. What type of fistula do you have? Not sure if mine is the return of the vaginal fistula or a new one, a bladder fistula - conflicting CT reports. Will know something next week. Not sure what will be done for either. You'll have to let me know what happens with yours, if you don't mind. Thanks and Good Luck!!
I had an EUA (exam under anesthesia) done at CC in June - I had a fistula as shown on an MRI. It was about 1-1/2 years old. Anyhoo - a seton was placed in hopes of healing it eventually and possible surgery down the road.

The EUA itself took only about 40 min., maybe a bit less. They treat the process like they would surgery: pre-surgical prep, the surgery itself, post surgery recovery, etc. Other than fasting, there is NO PREP - no enemas, etc.

I got there around 8 am, finished around 3 pm. Went home (3 hr. drive drive) and was fine. I'm not sure how long a drive you have, but you might want to take a pillow (or doughnut cushion) with you, depending on the location of your fistula (mine was pouch-vaginal). I had it done on a Fri. and was back to work on Monday, if I recall correctly. They gave me pain killers, I forget which ones (sorry!), but only took one and needed no more.

Good luck, and let us know how it goes!
So dr remzi doesn't want to label it anything just yet. He put in a mushroom drain and I have to go back in 3 weeks. They want to see f tr infection is gone if its not then they go from there. I'm pretty sore today. And bummed I have to go back but it's for the best. I know that I'm good hands ESP since I heard dr remzi say as I was being put under that I was his girl. Makes me feel safe!
good luck nicki. Whats up with dr. remzi and mushroom drains? He put one in me a month ago and I'm back for another EUA in another month and supposedly might have this drain for 6months. I haven't found anyone else who has had to deal with this. Hope you are able to deal ok with yours.

When I see Dr. Remzi next I'm going to suggest he try one out himself for just a week to see how bad they are!!!
He said that he couldn't do anything else bc there was an infection. He put that in hoping that it'll clear the infection and then when he does the eua nov 6 it'll either be gone or he will put the seton in. So you have a mushroom drain? How bad is it honestly? I'm not a person who likes things sugar coated so you can either say it on here or private mssg me. I really love dr remzi and I know he treats me like his son. I'm not sayi he doesn't with everyone bc I know e does but I don't think he would put this just bc I you get what I'm saying?

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