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Have just joined the site and it is great. Just so grateful for my J-Pouch to me it is a miracle. Had UC for 33 years and in the last 3 years I have been virtually bed bound with sacro-ileitis and pelvic pain. This has now gone along with all the narcotics I was relying on and my new life has begun. Yes the surgery was so hard and very unpleasant at times and I will never be "normal" but life is just so much better. Am wondering though why people bother responding to nasty posts....surely it just fuels the fire?
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Wow, 33 years, congratulations!

Unfortunately we have a long time troll on this site, who tricks new people into thinking that he needs help, and the more people try to help him, the more it ramps up his illness, and well, things just spiral out of control. He has been banned many times but he keeps coming back with a different screen name. If the board was static, yes, on one would respond to him.

Sue Big Grin

Most of us have had much suffering due to IBD, FAP, or other bowel disorders, so we are all sensitive to the challenges. Some suffered longer than others, some more than others. Having a haven like this where people understand is great. Certainly, not everyone is happy or satsfied with their outcome, but most manage to adapt or find workable solutions. Sometimes it means giving up on the j-pouch.

Complaining for the sake of complaining is not helpful, and if the person is not seeking support or advice, you have to wonder about the motive for posting here.

You are correct. It is best to ignore posts that are inflammatory and designed to "stir the pot." Responding only gives the attention that is sought. No need to point out the issues, as they are obvious.

This topic is closed, as it was becoming off topic bickering. I have deleted the inflammatory posts and the replies.

Jan Smiler
Last edited by Jan Dollar
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