That is cool, I would just let him know that he is desired, hearing it, and being intimate are two different things. You can give him standard lip service with nice encouraging remarks, but I speak from experience, a guy wants to know by feeling you work WITH him, can't get any more blunt than that. If you back off to much, he will start to wonder? Am I not good enough, not man enough, not etc, etc. Most guys, not all, but they REVOLVE around this ability to please and be all that a guy can be, and giving space only works to a point, I would rather have a lady be a tad pushy with the remarks, hey, I still want you, and we will work through this with everything we can...being physical seals intimacy in a guys mind, not words. And it doesn't have to be intercourse and the pressure of an erection. If a partner is cool enough to handle that and help, then any guy going through this is truly blessed
Lack of energy can be a sign of low testosterone, push through and have him get this looked at, ONLY doctor can do this and it should be monitored and the urologist needs to know about the j pouch too, it will help with a good plan. Take off the kit gloves, he will thank you later