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This is normal function. Multiple nocturnal erections are typical and normal for healthy males. Most men just do not awaken from them. You do not need to get up, as they will subside in about 30 minutes on their own. Could be that since you are waking due to pouch activity, you are just more aware than most. This is cause for rejoicing, not concern, so you can rest easy unless they are painful. If they are painful, then you need to tell your doctor.
"Take a deep breath and relax; this too will pass" Too funny, Jan!
Wish I had a problem like this one.
It would be a problem if you could not have the erection when you need it; that is, during sexual intercourse. As a matter of fact, I have sometimes the same experience. Some nights the erection is so intense that i wake up with fast heartbeats.
Erectile Dysfunction is the problem occurs due to lower erection, men who are not able to sustain erection may be suffered from impotence. There are various reasons behind this issue one of them is aging, it can be get cure but you must have consult your doctor. viagrapharmacyrx.com