Okay, I have a new GI who, after I complained about to many bathroom trips ordered a scope and stool test. Scope came out totally normal. Stool test is my dilemma. Calprotectin was 8 mcg, normal, BUT Pancreatic Elastase, fecal, was 76, very low, and called severe exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, EPI.
He prescribed Creon, but pharmacy called and ask me if they should fill it because it is $1230 for 30 day supply. Medicare and my not so cheap supplement insurance with Aetna doesn’t cover it.
I was told that Creon and digestive enzymes from the health food cause diarrhea and cramps.
I went to the Gi exactly for that so now they want me to take medicine that causes that!!! Well, I never have cramps but my bathroom trips are plenty after 10 years with a pouch. EPI doesn’t digest food or fat properly and can cause malnutrition,
I weigh 113 lbs and would love to weigh about 10 more pounds with no avail, BUT all my labs are always good… so I must absorb nutrients.
What I am supposed to do.
I worry myself sick. We just moved and I can’t get use to the new doctors!!!
Please help
thank you!