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If you have had Entyvio infusions- what side effects did you have? How long did they last.

Have tried Stelara - had incredible aching joints and fatigue- now on Entyvio slowly withdrew off steroids but now have developed unbelievable body and joint aches .. I can hardly walk it’s in my hips as well this time…😭😭

Will  this go away ? GI dr not much help besides stopping infusions …

thanks in advance


Original Post


I’ve been on Entyvio since March of this year. I did experience some fatigue initially after my first infusion but it hasn’t been as bad after the following infusions. I did not have the body aches that you’re describing.

I do have body aches,  due to my age! Hahaha. I take Tylenol which helps.

All the best to you

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