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I was a UC patient that ended up with a J-Pouch, but then found out I also had Crohns after surgery. As is common with us “combo” patients, fistulas seem to be inevitable. I was not a fan of setons so I currently live with three fistulas 😬. I have been down the remicade route with no results. 

My GI Doc thinks I should try Entyvio or Stelera to help close the fistulas (although there might be a risk of an abscess if it closes filled). But he is not sure which med would work better for my situation, if it even works to close fistulas, and of course he doesn’t have any patients with the “combo” so he doesn’t know. 

He suggested I contact Dr. Bo Shen and ask him since I was a patient of his, but he never got back to me. 

So my question is, did either of these meds work to close fistulas for anyone who had a “combo” diagnosis and now has fistulas?

Thanks, any info would be appreciated since I have been living with them since 2003!  I’m so done!

1984 UC Diagnoses/1990 J-Pouch Surgery/Crohns Diagnosis/1991 Take Down/Pouchitis Forever/2003 Fistula #1/Don’t Know When the Other Two Fistulas Took Up Shop!

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