The K pouch, like the J pouch takes time to grow and the begining you have to drain it ever 4 hrs and then slowly as it expands and grows you can push off the time until you reach about every 6-8 hrs except before or after a strenuous activity or bed when it is advised to empty before sleep or when you wake up...I have a different routine, my pouch is 33ys old and has had some trouble along the way so I intubate when I get up, before every meal and before bedtime, about 5-6xs a day...most times it takes between 1-3 minutes...I eat a lot of light protiens like chicken and fish (although I love red meat and have no problems with it), steamed green veggies, salads, whole grain breads & cheeses, tons of ice cream, sugary products, and fruits...I had a lot of success with a 'fit for life' type of diet where I seperated protiens and carbs so as to improve my digestive works great for me...I try to avoid having fruits after a sandwhich or pasta and although I am far from stict I know that whenever I travel I go back to it to make sure I have not problems...most of us use a grape or prune juice to keep things liquidy in there (coffee and green tea work great too) at least in the begining and drink a lot of fluids too to compensate for the loss of hydration that is natural with a pouch... I avoid extremely fiberous foods like pineapple, mushrooms, leaks, stringy mangos etc...But eat pretty much everything else....I do avoid large glasses of milk but eat yoghurt & cheeses.
You will find your way through it, a bit of patience and time and you quickly become an expert.
Good luck no matter what you choose and if you care to you can PM me with any other or more personal questions.