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Hello Everyone. This is a new one to me.

I had a Crohns flare up for two weeks, Cipro, Flagyl and Prednisone. I am feeling somewhat better. I wote an e-mail to my employer saying I was coming back.

The company I work for raises fish indoors in huge pools. It is called aquaculture.

Anyway I told him I am on Humira and it usually keeps everything in check.

So I get an email that says,

Have you discussed with your doctor the risks associated with working in an indoor fish production facility that could result in exposure to bacteria or viruses, some of which may be pathogenic to fish and potentially to humans?  I would like to hear from your Crohn’s specialist whether he/she believes you can safely work in an environment where coming into contact with pathogens is an unavoidable aspect of your job.  Given the recent extended medical condition, you can appreciate that I am concerned about your health and do not want to put you or other employees at risk.

I don't know what to do. Isn't this a violation of the ADA?

Thank You for any advice




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