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For the past few years, I have been "unofficially allowed" to start work at 10 AM instead of 8:30 AM. I finally told my boss I had U.C. and operations that caused me to be in the bathroom a lot in the mornings and I got my colo-rectal surgeon to write up a very short letter stating this very fact/request and I have had it updated every year.

However, two months ago, my current boss stated that the Human Resources office that oversees the WHOLE place here at work (it's a huge place.. it's a University) is cracking down on "unofficial requests" and wants all requests for accommodation to come through the Human Resources office. Once I turn in the paperwork, they will then have 30 days to rule on this. 

I made an appointment to see my colo-rectal surgeon and give him new forms and talk over what I wanted him to write, etc etc. but then I cancelled it because my boss also tried to fire me two weeks after he told me this. My boss led me to believe I would lose my job by the end of May and I had to call in a Union rep (I am protected!) and set up an appointment and write up a rebuttal to my peformance review etc. etc. I had other things going on in my life as well and going to the doctor cost $35 and getting a written report cost $45 and I wanted to make sure I was going to be keeping my job for a while longer before paying that kind of money and taking the time out to see this doctor. Long story short, I can't be fired like my boss though, although he did come up with a training plan that he gave me and if I fail an any way shape or form, I will be fired.


In the meantime, I rebooked that appt and went last Friday. (even if I keep my job only for a few months more, I want to still come in at 10 AM if I can)


I presented the doctor with my paperwork and he said it would be best if I wrote it up in a way he could present it. He said he might change things here and there, but he wanted me to type everything out and send to him so he can figure out what he would keep, what he would get rid of and what he would just change. 


I can send those questions but FIRST, has anyone else here asked for a medical accommodation based on having a disability with a J-pouch?  I am wondering what I need to explain about the j-pouch.  I just filled out all the questions I am supposed to answer and I filled out the answers the doctor is supposed to read/tweak/rewrite and hopefully use more of what I wrote than less.


I am looking for a few folks who have sought out accommodation requests at work by going through HR and would be grateful to hear people's do and don'ts.


Many thanks!

Debra Kirsch

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I never bad a Dr write about going to the bathroom too much. Although I was. All the time. No particular time of the day. But I did have my Dr write for no forced overtime. 40 hours. Period.  I work under a union contract also.  Where I work they can force up to three hours overtime every shift. 

I had to do this cause I live 25 miles from work and the drive home was dangerous as I was completely exhausted from no sleep and bathroom visits. Which they dealt with cause I could still do my job even after and during up to 40 visits to the can. 

Now as for requesting certain hours. I would never be allowed to do that. Although I would like to. There is no way they or the union would back me on that.  

Reason being is others would want there hours altered for themselves. 

Good luck.


I would get the letter from the doc and submit it.  Make it clear that you are not refusing to work within the specified working day, but your revised hours have  made it easier for you to be significantly more comfortable and productive at work and you feel strongly that this arrangement (as recommended by your doc) should be allowed to continue for both you and your employer's benefit.  If possible highlight any further advantages of your working later in the day (extended levels of customer service, ability to clear daily backlogs or greet out of hours contractors or whatever).  


Basically you want to approach it 2 ways, firstly there is a business case and your are able to be productive in your customised hours, and secondly that it's medically necessary and you are happier and more productive working these times as endorsed by your doc.


To be honest this would be better if endorsed by a manager buy at least this way you are not burning bridges. And paves the way for an appeal of your concerns are not listened too.  If for any reason you are then dismissed, you would then find it easier to demonstrate unfair dismissals.


I wouldn't take it too personally though, this sort of thing is usually driven by the 'cloud' managers (the faceless bureaucrats that no-one ever knows who made the decision or why).  The number of people in a large organisation that have special requirements is surpassingly high and this probally takes its toll or HR processing times or security availablity etc, so they want to minimise it.  At my place I know people who works term time and short days to cover school times, but both kids have left home and gone college/joined army.  Those are the people that need clamping down on as still claiming work/life balance contarct clauses that aren't needed.


*Disclaimer* I'm from uk and have no idea how the USA operate, I reckon it's the same the world over though

Working in a union environment or having a union back you is good.

But it's completely different than a non union environment. 

Where I work everyone is paid and treated equally under the contract.  Nobody has special hours and that flexibility is absolutely not allowed.  Now if it were a non union shop I'm sure rules could be bent. 

You could get the president to write a letter and it would make no difference in what hours you could hold where I work.  We have set bids and hours and it goes by seniority. Now your at a university.  You may be able to find or get a shift without going through all of this to get the hours you need. Where I am we are open 24 hours a day and many shifts are available.  It all depends on how much seniority you have to what bid (hours) you can hold. Maybe you can go that angle. I don't know.

A union will protect you and your job. But uc is not a disability.  And neither side is gonna see it as one. Sad to say but it's true. Protect yourself always.  And keep records to back yourself up.

When my uc was at its peak my supervisors and Co workers knew what I was going through.  No accommodations. As long as I did my work in between running to the can all was good. And I did. It was one of the roughest times in my life so I don't take any of this lightly.  It wasn't weeks or months. It was years. And it certainly is not easy to work and have this. 

I wish you the best. Sit with management. HR. And a union rep and steward. Along with a witness and discuss. I see having this in the open and being honest the best approach. If your good at your job. (not saying you are not) they will accommodate you.

Good luck. 


P. S. 

I did sit down with all the above. Not to get hours I needed. But to just keep my job while I could get this uc figured out. I have it figured out now. I hope you can do the same. 

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