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Hi All,

I have been getting frustrated off and on with my health for a number of years. Pouchitis flare up 4 times a year, but doctors keep saying that diet has nothing to do with it. I am tired of that answer and I for one do not believe it anyway.

I've decided to try a different method. One of the guys I know in my divorce group who is heavy into Nutrition talked about this ELISA/ACT Test. Medical Doctors do not for the most part go this route. Its just trying one drug after another and I am sick of it. We need these doctors to treat us but rather than treat the symptoms, I am interested in treating the problems from the get go since symptoms keep on coming back.

I contacted a doctor who will schedule me for an ELISA/ACT Tests. The web-site is below. The phone number is 800-553-5472.

He has scheduled me to have a stool test done, not like the doctors normally do, but over a period of 3 days. Then in 3 weeks I will have this ELISA/ACT Test done.

THE LRA by ELISA/ACT Tests work 2 ways:
IMMEDIATE RESPONSES: Are called Acute Allergies and usually occur within seconds to 2 hours after you are exposed to the allergen.
DELAYED RESPONSES: To an item can take from 2 hours to 3 weeks after exposure making them hard to detect.

The "Soldiers" of the Immune System are your body's white blood cells called "LYMPHOCYES." The LRA (Lymphocyte Response Assay) by ELISA/ACT Tests identify items that cause your Lymphocytes to react.

The LRA tests measure delayed allergic reactions to over 490 different items. This novel testing technique focuses on identifying the causes of your chronic conditions and repairing and strengthening your immune system.

The Comprehensive LRA by Elisa/ACT Tests measures your reactions to an extensive list of items from the following general categories: Foods, Additives and Preservatives, Food Colorings, Molds, Environmental Chemicals and Toxic Minerals, Medications, Therapeutic Herbs, Danders, Hairs and Feathers.

There is other information on the website. If you contact the 800 number, provide them with your Zip Code and they will provide doctors who schedule these tests in your area.

The only drawback is insurance companies do not cover this. The more problems you medically have, the more items they can test you for.

For me, the other drawback is I have to stop taking VSL # 3 for 3 weeks prior to the test. Must avoid any foods with Gluten, milk products (eggs are OK) incl cheese, butter and so forth.

So I have an appt to have my blood drawn on June 16th. That is the easy part. Its the prep and what you have to do prior that is a challenge.

The results of these tests will tell me which foods to avoid by how my body reacts to it. When I have Pouchitis, everything bothers me.

The doctor even suggested that perhaps I would be a candidate for the Fecal Transplant. He said that is given to me in just a capsule.

Your thoughts are greatly appreciated.

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