Three weeks ago I decided to eliminate gluten from my diet to help minimize the frequency and severity of my migraines.
I had been tested for Celiac twice a few years ago and results were neg. but had heard even a sensitivity could be a contributor to migraines.
NOW, a couple of years ago I visited my GI with the complaint that I had constant sour/nauseous feeling in my gut. She put me on an antibiotic (pouchitis?) suggested taking all vitamins at night and eliminate dairy. So I did all that. Still I had that feeling every so often kind of bloated.
So, after one week gluten-free, I know longer have that feeling in my gut. Totally gone.I did not expect this, it was a bonus!
Just wanted to share that with all of you.For some of you, it may be worth a try!
For all of you experiencing bloat, constant nausea and belly upset.
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