Thank you for your thoughts. The chest discomfort is not a new issue. I was evaluated by a cardiologist when heart palpitations were so intense, I couldn't imagine something wasn't wrong. He did every test possible and found nothing except an occasional missed beat. He said that my palpitations were caused by stress and anxiety.
The low-grade fever is new. I had an accident while in NYC a couple of weeks ago. We were walking the Brooklyn Bridge and I was hit from behind by a cyclist going full speed. It was a shocking experience, and looking back, we should have handled it differently. I didn't seek immediate medical care because we were heading home the next morning, and I couldn't imagine getting stuck in a NYC emergency room. I had a couple of scrapes, but no visible sign of injury. My chest and right arm absorbed the entire impact.
I went to my GP and she said that I had a contusion under my right breast. She gave me Oxycodone and sent me home. I had 2 chest xrays in June, so she didn't want to radiate me again.
Sorry for rambling.... I think I've become somewhat complacent over the years, in that, it's become tiring trying to get to the bottom of things. I was always a determined advocate for myself; always moving forward, never taking no for an answer. But it's been 25 years of struggling through UC, weeks in the hospital, bilateral hip replacements, surgery for an abcess, Crohn's, Remicade... I've read hundreds of posts on this site so I know that I'm very lucky. It would be nice to have some peace and not have to think about what's coming next.
Again, thank you for your time.