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I've had a J-Pouch for many, many years.  It seems as though I've had an elevated Sed Rate for quite some time.  Doctors don't seem concerned and most mention ulcerative colitis as a possible cause.  I've been told we can still have extra-intestinal symptoms of UC even after having our entire colon removed.  So, my question is, does anyone else out there with a j-pouch have an elevated Sed Rate but no symptoms of infection or inflamation?  I have no fever but aches and pains I attribute to ageing, etc.  A rheumatologist I saw says my arthritis is not significant.  I'd like to know what is causing the elevated Sed Rate.  Any ideas?

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Humm not to sure on this one. I too have had an elevated sec rate for months and I kicked my UC back in Aug when they took my colon. But the difference that I still have sore joints and stuff. 

Have you talked to your primary care doc? Maybe they might have an idea as to why it’s high. Do you have any other symptoms that might be associated with it? 

Last edited by Bubba1028

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