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Over the past three or four days, I have had this dull sensation which feels like wind across my waist just below my belly button, mainly to the right side. It isn't painful but can just be uncomfortable. When I press in where the feeling is, that's when it feels worse, but still not really painful, almost as if something is stuck, but I can't have a blockage as I'm passing wind and managing to pass stool as well. I keep getting a bubbling feeling around that area as if wind is making its way through but after the bubbling feeling goes, I press in on the area and it's still there. Is it possible to have trapped wind for this long or is it something else completely? I'm hoping it will pass naturally but this has never happened before.


Last edited by JordySimo
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That's the thing, I'm still passing wind on the toilet but I have noticed my passing of stools has slowed down from what it usually is, but it can't be a blockage or a kink in the bowel as I wouldn't be able to pass wind surely? The feeling is just to the side of my belly button and I can only describe it as something being slightly stuck... It's confusing me haha

It's eased a bit this morning. That's the thing, I can't hold it in for too long as I still experience urgency so I might be gulping food without realising... hmm. When you feel your bowels moving and wind passing through, does it tend to happen mostly down one side of your body in particular? I feel the most movement happening down the right hand side/middle of my belly button, just dunno whether that's anything to be concerned about, doubt it to be honest.

I guess that's where everyone is different.  I get a surging sensation at the anus and have to clench tight until it passes  The surge gets stronger and if I keep clenching it sort of bubbles and rumbles (the rumble is around my old stoma site, but I guess it depends on how you were wired up.


.  Those bubbles and rumbles get stronger and stronger and louder until I go and the pressure on the anus increases each time.  But when I leave it this long I get incomplete emptying, then have to de-gas myself the way I described and make a frequent visits.  It's much more beneficial to go at my earliest convenience.

I think that is a normal feeling, when you had a colon it was less pronounced because your output was firmer...  When you had diarrhea with a colon,. That would be urgency. Need to go immediately or soil.  

The surging is non urgency with loose output..... I think lol

If you have to clench you need to go, sure you can defer, but doing that can't be healthy all the time.  If you try a few days without deferring you will probally find your less backed up and more comfortable.... Or may not... Worth a try?

I think Bobish and I are on the same page here, though I'm more positive than he is about "holding it in," at least sometimes, if only for the sense of power over my toilet needs.

I consider it "urgent" if something bad will happen (like an accident) unless I get to the toilet. Otherwise it's just uncomfortable, or sometimes very uncomfortable.

The urgent feeling can be light through the day and gets heavier in the evening after the food I've eaten all day has passed through, which is obviously understandable. But it's interesting to know that you also have to clench when experiencing a surging sensation as well, Bob. Makes me a feel a bit more confident that things aren't as bad as I first thought and that it might just be a normal feeling. I'm only going around 4 times a day so that's not bad at all.

Still taking a couple loperamide tablets each day but there's times I've forgot to and it didn't really make much difference. Only reason I hold on for a while is so I empty as much as possible in one go, makes me more comfortable and confident if I'm away from a toilet. But I might try going as soon as I feel a bit of surging like you said, Bob. Thanks!

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