One thing for you to try, keep moisturiser well away from the skin around your eyes (the instructions on all moisturisers say this) The skin there is very thin and chemicals from moisturiser damage the oils in the eye. Try not to rub your eyes, because touching your face then eyes can cause this issue too.
I'm a guy, I moisturise my face after a shower. I got dry eye, assumed it was something to do with decorating (sanding plaster board etc) I went optitions who said it was because I work with computers, eye strain over long time and forgetting to blink. Was prescribed glasses and then docs and was given eye drops too
If I don't use moisturiser my eyes are better in 24 to 48 hours. I've also noticed the brand of moisturiser can affect the severity. I have jack blacks double duty and that affects the eyes quite bad, as does Zirh defend. Nivea rehydrating moisturiser is more natural and causes less of a problem. All are better kept away from the under eye area
From a girl's point of view my mum had the same issue with oil of ulay, but I'm sure all moisturisers do it to some severity or another. I think age is a factor too, but definitely try the moisturiser thing.
I haven't had dry eyes in like 6 months, and haven't needed my glasses either (it's not Miracle cute for eyesight, your eyes don't work properly when dry)
Hopefully this will give you some joy too. Incidentally, try not to use the eye drops either. The natural tear replacement ones may be ok, but you want to see if your eyes can revert to normal, so probably best to stop putting stuff in them! Feel free to flush your eyes to start though